Friday, November 28, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014 {blessed}

Phewwwwwwwwww.   Thanksgiving 2014 is a wrap!!  We kept saying to each other, this is our last Thanksgiving with just us 3! How crazy is that?  I tried my best to keep up with everything I wanted to/had to do, but man let me tell ya, being this prego I am getting T-I-R-E-D very quickly.  I just keep reminding myself the most important thing to do is listen to my body and rest if I need to, even though that is so darn hard for me.

I was able to prep some of my goodies Wednesday, to make for an smoother Thanksgiving Day.  I will say, I have made a mental note, to prepare a breakfast casserole next year, and even for Christmas Day. There is nothing more annoying than having to stop and make breakfast, eat it, only to have a big old mess to clean up again, and then try to get ready and be out the door by a certain time.  And next year, we'll have two little ones, so I am sure that will not get easier any time soon!

Here is grandma's squash I was telling you about the other day.  Darn thing was so hard to cut open! Grams must've had super strength hehe

I think she'd be proud.  I am pretty sure she was with me the whole time.  Love you grams!

Cranberry bread.  Yummmmmm.

Thanksgiving Day she was just too cute! She loves stickers and her minnie.

I showed her to pose and say, "Fabulous" haha

On the way to my dad's, she was out. COLD.  We hated to wake her!

Here was my fancy cheese platter!

My step mom made some delicious shrimp, she poached in herbs, and my dad's cocktail sauce, certainly will clear out your sinuses!

A holiday cocktail, or in my case, mocktail.  Ginger beer, cranberries, ice, and they had spiced rum, I obviously did not.

Aunt Brianna!

My family <3

I love this shot.  My handsome hubby who is obviously partaking in "no shave November" and my cutie patootie tot who is so squirmy!  Not gonna lie, my sister made me feel good when she said my legs looked skinny haha!

And she thinks it's funny to suck her thumb and maybe go for the nose.  doh.

33 weeks and 5 days!

The bird!

Turkey butter that my sister so kindly stabbed.

My plate.

Brooke thoroughly enjoyed her meal!

Our niece came by just as we were getting ready to leave, and Brooke was SO upset to leave.  She wanted to stay and play.  Next time we will have to plan better.

Unfortunately our night did not end as happily as our day, with the niners and their terrible loss to the Seahawks.  That's about all I have to say about that.

Our Thanksgiving though, was so peaceful and quiet.  We all had a wonderful time and had so much to be thankful for.  Ok, time to bring on the holly!! Who's with me?!


  1. photos are so nice looks like you guys had a great thanks giving

  2. Gosh you are fabulous!!! Hosting Thanksgiving is NO JOKE! I'm not even pregnant and I found myself so tired at the end of it all. So much cooking and cleaning, but always worth it.


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