Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Wednesday Randoms

Happy Hump day!!  I am not just grateful during the month of November, but the whole "Giving Thanks" notion certainly gets my gears turning.  I have a cheesy paper  sign above our sliding glass doors, that just stops me every time I see it.  I really want to instill that in our children all year long; I want them to appreciate all that they have all year long.

I'm not going to lie, losing Sadie has put a bit of a damper on my holiday spirit.  I swear I think of her all day long; you don't realize how much a dog really depends on you for everything, especially a special needs dog.  I have to really think about how she doesn't need her meds, or to be let in from outside, or that I had to call and cancel her pawdicure/grooming for next week and politely ask them to take me off the list to call every 8 weeks. I try to not dwell on it, but I know it is healthy to feel it all, and talk about it, so I do, and I will.   I will also continue to focus on all that is great and good in our lives, and for that I am grateful.  I also know we gave Sadie girl a really good life for the time we did have her.

I broke down and bought this album too. I usually never buy music, but I needed some pep in my life. Brooke and I love having the official "Shake it off" dance party and helllllerrrrrrr.  Have you seen/heard the Blank Space video?? #needed  She's all out cray cray, and I love it. Thanks Tay.

Ya know, in case you needed proof I'm like a 13 year old girl.

PS. Do yourself and favor and don't buy these.  OMG. I saw them in the organic section of the grocery store and somehow they just jumped right into my cart.  I usually can control myself, but no.  Not with these scrumptious bites of peppermint heaven!

I saw one of the Advo leaders post this you tube video about a book coming out.  Being a former dancer, I have always been fascinated with anything ballet related.  The art of dance is intense, dramatic, and you have to have a lot of dedication to make it in the world of ballet.  Hearing her story made me want to see what the book was about...

I put it on hold at our library and holy cow.  I started it yesterday and I have already devoured 100 pages. Granted, it's a YA novel, but still.  It really makes me realize how petty my problems can be and how far you can really take life, if you just never.give.up.  She experiences loss, pain, and so many issues right from the start. I cannot wait to see where this goes.  I also appreciate a happy ending.

So, other than it going from 70 yesterday, down to 41 {feels like 28}, us finding Brooke a big girl bed {will be here Nov. 28th!}, a real live official girls' night tonight {yayyy Matty!} and a massage tomorrow--omg vacation for mama--  that is all for now! I hope you are staying warm, loving life, and enjoying small moments.

PS. Hubbers in hunting.  Please get a deer.   Ok bye friends!!!


  1. I need a massage so bad. LOL. And I keep hearing about her video but have yet to check it out... Need to do that now.

    1. OMG you definitely need to splurge and get one!! Did you check out the catchy tune?? Sorry if it's stuck in your head haha


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