Monday, December 22, 2014

Ornament Swap

Just hopping onto share some Christmas cheer!  Rachel, Tausha and I all did an ornament swap via Instagram/blog.  We paired everyone up and had the ornaments sent out last week.  {Oops that it was the busiest mail days of the year! Oy! I stood in line for a half an hour to mail packages!}

I was actually matched up randomly with Rachel's sweet mama, Margie.  She sent over this beautiful silver sparkly ornament!! It was perfect for our white tree! I love to put silver/gold/sparkles on it!

Brooke just adores it.  It's so girlie and just perfect for us.

Her adorable card even matched. Love.

Thank you so much Margie, we love it!! 

  I think we should do this again next year, but maybe have it a little earlier in the season so that we are not rushed at the post office!!

Do you have a favorite ornament?

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