Saturday, December 27, 2014

Applesauce & Cinnamon Ornaments

The day before Christmas Eve, I felt the need to do something crafty/baking…without the bulge!! I was pleasantly surprised at how simple these were to make and how much my {almost} 2 year old enjoyed playing with it! She didn't even try to eat the dough, which would have been fine anyway since it was simply two ingredients:

Applesauce and cinnamon.

Now, don't get me wrong, it's a crap-ton of cinnamon!

1 cup of applesauce
1 1/4 cup + dusting the counter of cinnamon

She just had fun playing with the cookie cutters too!

I used the mixer and it sure enough, clumped up well!

Rolled it out on the counter with a rolling pin and let her play a bit.

I had to actually do the "cutouts" but she helped!

She practiced her rolling technique.

Embracing the mess.

It was nice because we could go through the shapes and of course the sensory details were awesome too.

They smell delicious as the baked in the oven for a little over 2 hours at 250 degrees.  They are a bit delicate, and of course in the hands of a toddler, what wouldn't be!?  

We handed them out to family as small gifts on Christmas and of course kept one for us.  I will definitely make these again with the kids in the future!

Did you do any homemade crafts with your kiddies?

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

ALL-IN 2015

I know we are all busy with the holiday hustle and bustle, but I just had to share this amazing opportunity for better health in 2015!!  We love our group challenges here in Advo, since we know that support is a huge part of success.  Well, we are gearing up for the BIGGEST group challenge in the history of AdvoCare! We are talking about over 80,000 people taking charge of their health and starting off the new year right.

Checkout the Facebook Page for extra support HERE

Perhaps you've been enjoying a few too many cookies, or just feel like you're stuck at a plateau in general.  This is what you've been waiting for!

If you've been considering a challenge,
NOW is the time!
Not only will you have accountability & encouragement from others (so you are more likely to stick with it & finish strong), but there are tons of exciting extras. Check out all of the freebies AdvoCare is throwing in for members:
  • Free expedited SHIPPING. (so it arrives prior to Jan 7th)
  • Free blender bottle.
  • Free wristband.
  • One-time free shipping on your next order of $250+ retail orders in January.
  • Daily virtual coaching from your microsite.
  • A new, updated 24 Day Challenge app with daily reminders for taking supplements.
  • Meal & snack ideas, recipes, & tips.
  • Kick-off call with instructions.
  • Webinars from our sci/med board.
  • Pre-orders that won't process/charge on your card until after Christmas
  • Don't miss out!!

I admit, starting is the hardest part.  Excuses are easy to use and we often get stuck using them, over and over again.  Well, when you finally face the reality of needing to feel better, look better in clothing, or just take control of your eating habits/energy level, I will tell you, you won't look back!

My first challenge was in August of 2013.  I lost 10 lbs, 12 inches, and 2 pant sizes.  I was still a long way from my goal weight, but it was HUGE push for me and boosted my confidence to stay motivated. 
By December, I was back into my fitted sweaters and new skinny jeans!
Come March, I was smaller than I was pre-pregancny and never felt better, even in my silly disco costume!  I never thought I would feel that great after having a baby.  {No one could believe I had a one year old at home!}

And by May, I was in better shape than ever…and actually 4 weeks pregnant here in this photo!  By staying on products I had lost over 30 pounds, countless inches and had more energy than I knew what to do with…ok that's a lie, I was actually able to workout twice a day and take care of everything else I had to! 

So while I cannot actually "challenge" starting Jan. 7th,  I will be cheering my team on and helping others reach their goals!  I still pre-ordered so that I can take advantage of the free shipping, the wristband and blender bottle.  #canneverhaveenough I also will be eating clean alongside everyone, and cannot wait to get my hands on some new healthy clean recipes and share!

Are you All-In?  Who else do you know that may be interested in this amazing deal and some awesome freebies?  I would love to coach you and have you be a part of our inspiring support system.

What do you need to do?  Shoot me an e-mail if you'd like further instructions, but it's SUPER simple.  You become a member (which is a no brainer, it really does save you tons of money!) by signing up here.   You will receive $59 in products, Spark and Slam--wahoo energy and mental clarity---and the membership is much like BJ's/Costco where it's no monthly minimum or anything.  You will get 20% off the rest of your orders.  No, you don't have to "Sell" or anything.  It's just the smartest decision financially! 

Next you'll pre-order your ALL-IN bundle and pick your flavors of Spark and Meal Shakes.  Yumm! You will also choose the MNS best for you and I would throw in a bottle of Catalyst, thermoplus and Carb ease for best results! Oh I love those guys.

Be sure to plan out your meals, and get with your coach (it's what we are here for!) and make sure you are ready to rock 1/7/15!  

Monday, December 22, 2014

Ornament Swap

Just hopping onto share some Christmas cheer!  Rachel, Tausha and I all did an ornament swap via Instagram/blog.  We paired everyone up and had the ornaments sent out last week.  {Oops that it was the busiest mail days of the year! Oy! I stood in line for a half an hour to mail packages!}

I was actually matched up randomly with Rachel's sweet mama, Margie.  She sent over this beautiful silver sparkly ornament!! It was perfect for our white tree! I love to put silver/gold/sparkles on it!

Brooke just adores it.  It's so girlie and just perfect for us.

Her adorable card even matched. Love.

Thank you so much Margie, we love it!! 

  I think we should do this again next year, but maybe have it a little earlier in the season so that we are not rushed at the post office!!

Do you have a favorite ornament?

Saturday, December 20, 2014

37 Weeks Bumpdate {baby boy}

I am officially 37 weeks--FULL TERM--today!!  

This makes me feel good, so if baby came early, he should be A-O.K.  I had my checkup yesterday and  it as just a belly check.  I told her about my weird side of stomach pain, it's just so tender and feels bruised or something.  She said we could do an ultrasound, but I can't really get in until 12/31…which is fine, I don't think it's anything alarming, but it is different than I had with Brooke.  From what I have read, it's probably my abs separating and/or he's just in this particular position where his knees/feet have been constantly pushing on that spot and it's tender.  Dr. said it could be a fibroid, but it's most likely not any issues with organs etc.  Things are just getting tight in there.  Oy!!

I have been getting way more tired, to the point where I am actually falling asleep/napping.  I must be really needing it, because usually I will rest, watch some Netflix, You Tube, or read, and then I'm fine.  On Tuesday, I legit fell asleep and drooled! I only woke up because I heard, "Mommy, ew stinky!" Yes, that'd be Brooke letting me know she needed a diaper change ;0)  Friday I fell asleep at 7pm and probably could have stayed asleep, but Brooke still needed to go to bed etc.  So, again the semi-can't fall asleep insomnia kept me up until 11.

I love feeling his twisting, rolling, stretching, hiccups…there's not a lot of room in there, so I can tell his movements are strong, but not as crazy as a few months ago.  I wonder how big he will be?! I am not sure if he will be smaller than Brooke or even bigger.  Will he have dark hair and eyes? {that is what my thoughts are, we shall see!}  I can't wait to hold him, kiss him, and snuggle that newborn itty bitty!!


I have been a bit of a roller coaster! I am super happy or kinda sad…stupid hormones! I get upset that we can't out out and do more, and then a part of me doesn't want to leave the dang house! So weird.  I am hoping the hormones aren't too crazy after birth.  I am excited that my mom will be here to help.  I am thankful we have Christmas to distract me a bit and I really can't wait for Brooke's face!  She is gonna love it.   I have friends going through some stuff, so I know I get worried about them.


I am getting up once or twice to use the bathroom in the middle of the night.  The absolute worst is rolling left to right/right to left.  My left side of my pelvic bone feels like it's going to fall out.  SPD {pelvic girdle pain} is no joke!! My left knee, leftside pelvis, and back are KILLING ME some days.  I stretch, do some light yoga, walk…but nothing helps.  At this point, it's just breathe, wait, and know that it will be over soon.  Again, there are good days and bad days. I just try really hard to do the mind over matter!

Labor Signs:

I haven't had as many BH this week, I attribute it to my massive amounts of water, Rehydrate, and decaf teas I have been drinking. I am constantly peeing, but I figured it's best to be hydrated. I still get cotton mouth and am thirsty all the time, but no more contractions. I've been alternating black tea and red raspberry leaf teas.


Chocolate has been an, um, issue this week.  Weirdly enough, I did fine throughout the majority of my pregnancy but these cravings lately are insane!  Of course Christmas doesn't help and not being able to control my cravings with some amazing supplements kind of stinks, {I'm talking to you MNS!} so I am doing my best, but I need to check myself. #truth

Salads.  But I'm back to the point where I don't want to make them. So weird!? A salad tastes so much better when someone else prepares it…whyyyyyy???

Hospital bag is packed and so is little man's.  I still need to put Brooke's bag together, as who knows when we will be heading to the hospital.  Depending on the time of day, either my mother in law will come here to watch her, or we will drop her off at their house.  They literally live like two minutes from where we will deliver, so it will be easy.


I'm ready.  When he's ready.  His due date is 1/10/15.  I am trying to not get my hopes up for a few days early or on time birthday, because if he is anything like his sister, I could be visiting my OB again that appointment on the 16th of January.

I wonder if he'll come on Brooke's birthday, January 11th.    As for her party, I think we are keeping it super low key, having it on her actual birthday since it's a Sunday.  My sister is going to get her a Frozen cake and we will just have a dinner here or something.  I just don't want to plan an elaborate thing, only to cancel because we are in labor!  So next year we will have a big 3 party hehe.  Who knows, maybe the two of them will have a combined 1 & 3 party, most likely.

After birth:

I am really looking forward to nursing again.  Now that I know what I am doing, have confidence, I hope it's as easy as it was with Brooke.  Once we got it down, we were a great team! We only made it 6 months, so my goal this time would be a year, but we will see. I still have to prep my pump/bottles, as that seemed to work nicely last time. I had a good supply frozen and others were able to help out and feed.  Although, I have a feeling knowing this will be my last, I am already getting emotional about how fast it's going to go by.  So, hopefully I can keep that in check.

We are planning on doing the same thing again with Brad that we did with Brooke--in the crib ASAP.  The first few nights when they are awake all night, it's tricky, but without reading Baby Wise, I think we sort of sleep trained and it worked beautifully.  I actually ordered it the other day and look forward to reading it a bit.  I am all for some attachment methods, but we believe in the safety and security of the crib.  Heck, it worked so well with Brooke, she still stays in her BIG GIRL bed until one of us comes and gets her.  No reason why she can't climb out, open the door and run around the house…she just stays in there!

I haven't gotten very far into this book yet, but so I like what I'm reading so far.  It's basically what we try to do, but it's always a friendly reminder.  I enjoy how the book starts with the importance of the parents' relationship and how we interact with one another etc.  It really does set the tone of how your children will be!

So nothing other than that, I just wanted to give a quick update.  I get a little bit of free time today, as Brooke is going to my in-laws while I can get my hair done---FOR THE LAST TIME WITH ONE KID! AHHHHHH.

I remember writing that with Brooke, well, I said without needing a sitter.  Too funny.  I still can't even wrap my head around how I am going to get errands, grocery shopping, or anything done with two! haha but someone people do it.  Heck, they do it with even more!!  I will figure it out.  I can promise you that I will be snuggling the heck outta little Brad, every stinking minute I can…I. can't wait!

3 weeks to go?! Any bets on when Baby Brad makes his arrival??

Friday, December 19, 2014

Fab Fit Fun {Winter Edition}

I'm not going to lie, I'm a sucker for good subscription boxes.  As much as I used to love shopping, leisurely taking my time to look around the malls and stores…ain't no prego with a toddler got time for that!!

I discovered this Fab Fit Fun box over the Summer and I really have loved them! I especially like that they are seasonal, so you get 4 a year, not one every month.  That can be a bit much…  So when my Winter one showed up, it was awesome!

  • Full-size, premium products delivered 4x per year.
  • Over $200 in Beauty, Wellness, Fitness and Fashion Finds for only $49.99 per season!
  • FREE SHIPPING: We ship your box for free every season! 
  • Use code NEW5 to save $5 instantly

At first glance: A sample of Justin's Almond Butter---I LOVE this and have an empty jar in my recycling bin.  I may have packed this in my diaper bag already, in case I need a snack ha!

Zumba--?!?!?!-- I LOVE ZUMBA and as soon as I get the all clear postpartum, I cannot WAIT to try this 60 minute DVD out.  How perfect, since I don't have a gym membership (yet) and with two little babes, maybe this will be perfect for me!! Yay!

Fashion Project-- I glanced at their site, it is where you can sell/buy high end clothing…mama will check back on that later.

Upon opening-

Eye Serum--Gogi berry something or other, feels soooo soooo good on my tired eyes.

Salted--3 free months of cooking classes online with some fab chefs; woot!  I may save this until I can really use it!

$25 towards Zumba gear!!

Organic Apple face peel--I slabbed it on before my shower yesterday and I may have noticed a little more glow to my skin.  I can't get over how big the samples are!

Evening Primrose hand creme-- It doesn't have a strong scent at all, but it was really a nice think winter cream.  I need all the help I can get because I wash dishes and my hands so frequently, my thumbs have already begun to crack!

I'm pretty partial to my Muscle Gain Protein shakes, but I'll still give this a whirl. It does have 23 grams a sugar, which I feel is kind of high, but I like that it's organic.  I'm saving this for when I am ravenous with nursing and need to fuel.

Again, I don't usually buy snack bars other than Advo, but I'll try this out. I stuck it in my bag in case we are in a jam and I'm hungry.

Makeup!!  I love makeup.  These two shades of mineral makeup are not something I usually wear, so I will play around…

Any tips? {I have brown eyes}

This candle smells heavenly.   It's my "nap time" go to right now…I will light it while she sleeps, and I can catch up on blogging, emails, whatever…smells heavenly!

And lastly, this necklace which fights hunger.  One necklace buys 7 meals!! I thought that was pretty cool.

Do you have a favorite subscription service?  

Thursday, December 18, 2014

What's Up this Week

There really is nothing cuter than watching my {almost} two year old partaking in Christmas festivities.  She's been really good about not touching a lot of the ornaments, but once in awhile I catch her sneaking one off.  She tries to put them back on, but hasn't quite figured that out yet.  Last night I got a little video of her "wrapping a bracelet" too, since I was trying to do some more wrapping, she wanted to be like mommy.  #meltsmyheart

She also randomly learned how to open our fridge door and was so excited, she yelled, "TA DA!" And of course, she just wants cheese, but she can't open that drawer yet, thank goodness.  She walked away after opening it the other night, and I was like "Hey, close the door missy!" And she goes, "Ha, oh sowwwyy."   She is just something else!

I kind of just pulled some craft items out and let her do her thing the other day. Haha.  As long as she didn't eat the glue stick, we were fine.  Which she didn't, by the way.  Luckily she hasn't been putting anything inappropriate in her mouth for awhile!   We colored, glued snowflakes, cotton balls and gingerbread men.

Tuesday night my friend and I exchanged our gift!!  We decided to do mani/pedis for Christmas! I treat her for this, and then in July she treats us for our birthdays.   It gives us some mommy free time and some pretty toes and nails!  We also stopped out for a bite to eat and had lots of girl talk.  Yay! It also made me really happy to hear that her and Daddy had a wonderful "date night" while I was out doing my thing.  They went to grab sushi, (she enjoys Teriyaki chicken) and she was really well behaved.  So good to hear, as sometimes taking her out can be rather challenging.  But they had a blast and that is what mama likes to hear!

I went with a sparkle red gel.  LOVE it!

I can tell my hands, feet, legs are starting to swell and get puffy.  My rings aren't tight yet, but they're getting there.  Just a few more weeks to go!

Wednesday I had to get us out of the house, so we just went to Barnes and Noble. She loves the train set, the legos, and all the books/toys.

They have this little stage where they must have their story time, and she just jumped on it and danced around.  No one was really there, but she had a ball singing and prancing. It had me cracking up.  She's totally my daughter!

We walked the mall a little bit, bought a gift and had it wrapped.  The local school band was having a fundraiser, so we danced around to "Fly me to the Moon" as our gift was prestigiously wrapped.  As much pain as I am in, and as uncomfortable as I am, I really am trying to make these last few weeks of just her and I count.  I am so so so excited for Christmas morning and cannot wait to see her face.

We are hoping to take her to Santa either tonight or tomorrow, so that will be interesting!! We didn't go last year, and so this will be her first time.  I have my 37 week check tomorrow--ahhh!! This weekend I am getting my hair done, we have a 2 year old birthday party and my step-brother comes home for Christmas!! So much going on and a lot to get ready for.  Let's hope I waddle through! Here's to a great Thursday my friends!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014


Well, I finally wrote my entire post--thoughts, feelings, emotions, and tears.  I re-capped what happened that Thursday, over month ago.

And then it didn't save.

So, I have what's left, and I don't feel like writing it again right now…maybe later.

Today Sadie would have been 8.


Because before Brooke and before Brad and before Holly before Joe there with Sadie.

For some reason, I didn't think it would be this hard to get over a dog.  For now I'll blame it on my pregnancy hormones, since that excuse won't be valid much longer.. Growing up we lost hamsters cats and say goodbye to dogs. Heartbroken over beloved family pet Bacca, to this day still remains the best well-behaved dog I ever had...

But we grew up and we moved on I went to college there were other dogs.  Then there was Sadie. 

Perhaps it was because she was so naughty. Maybe it was because she needed so much attention. Or maybe it was because I found her in a moment in my life where nothing seemed right and she filled everything that I needed in that time and I think her I forever tried to give her the best life possible. 

I even remember Joe picking me up the first time, I wouldn't let him inside!! I knew how she loved to jump on people and was so naughty, I didn't want to scare him off haha!  Well that didn't happen.  He fell in love with both of us.

We became a family.

With her crazy seizures and her licking of the air, we were always trying ways to make her life better.  That included this crazy wrap jacket thing.  #didntwork

While I don't expect the tears to dry, i'm hoping that this kind of closes a chapter so remains open and unsaid. I've put off writing this simply because I didn't want to cry, and yet almost on a daily basis I find myself tearing up.

I know it's not just me as the tears well up in my husband's eyes, whenever I ask him if it's going to get easier…

I also know when I look at my little dog Holly and how she's still not the same. Sadie was all she ever knew, and although Sadie seems more annoyed than anything that was Holly's pack and now she's one. 

We used to joke about how much easier it would be to keep up with the cleaning without all the fur.   I will trade fur for cleaner floors any day. Every time I dry clothes in the dryer there would always still be tons of fur.  Well I can tell you now when I fold black pants, the pieces of fur are far and few. 

I will also say, once again I have a love/hate relationship with Time Hop.

So, yes, today you would have been 8 Sadie.  I miss you every day and think about you all of the time. I hope you have all the bacon you want in heaven, and get to run around free.  Love you Sadie Lady!