Saturday, January 10, 2015

Happy Due Date!! {40 weeks}

I was half tempted to title this "Updates" again, since clearly that is about as creative as I have been feeling these last few posts.  Oops!  It's all good though, I mean really.   I am literally due with baby #2 today.  I have been waiting for this day since I peed on those positive sticks back in May.  I was just hoping he'd actually be here by now.  Oh well!  He'll be here when he's ready.  So while the week started out kinda funky and me not feeling so hot, and thinking "any minute" I can assure you, I've stepped outta my comfort zone (of my home) and have thrown my hands in the air, and am just going with the flow.  I just couldn't stay inside any more.  I had wanted to be all hermit like the last few weeks, but then Friday came and I was like GET. ME. OUT.  

So out we went, in this chilly and cold Winter. Again, Brooke is super stoked about the weather.

I told her to say cheeeeeese-

We ran some errands with Daddy; the typical pick up rent checks at the P.O. box, bank to deposit, and then Kobe for lunch.  Ya know, that super amazing sushi restaurant I thought I'd be chowing down on fresh sushi salmon by now?!  Ya.  I sipped some Miso soup, edamame and some of Brookie's noodles. That's all I'm really feeling lately. So weird.

I really wanted to do something special with baby girl because her birthday is TOMORROW omg, and she's not going to be the only one soon.  So we went to the Museum of Play!!   I think Daddy had more fun than she did haha.

While he was mesmerized by the comic book/superhero section, I was trying to teach her how to whack a hero, or whatever it was.

We made a crown in the Reading adventure land and she danced around in the lego area.

Not a great shot, but she even got Daddy to ride the choo choo with her!

Last night I somehow managed to get a foot/leg massage. It never gets old. #besthubbythankyou And then, to make my night even better?!  My mother in law called and said they wanted to watch Brooke on Saturday….umm…OK!!

So what's a mama to do with a day to herself, ON her due date with baby #2?   Mani/Pedi of course!  I even had to ask my insta peeps what color…at first I picked on color and the lady started it and it was really ugly--like a green, even though the sample looked grey.  Luckily she didn't like it either and I had a re-do.  Yup. I was that girl.  Oh well, I think the whole "it's my due date" and me being out and about freaks people out.  Everyone is being so nice to me! Not that they're ever mean, but ya know. I definitely feel like I'm getting a little bit of special treatment right now.  #dontmindifido

All said and done I went with an onyx gel of sorts.  I totally burned my finger on my chi the other day too, ow!

Hubs texted me and said we were actually going out to dinner, which means I don't have to cook tonight. SCORE!  Even though I'm living on cereal and fruit, he still has an appetite. His parents wanted to keep Brooke a wee longer so we could have one final meal out.  Thank you!!!  This is my, "I love you.  Kissy face. Mwwwaaa" selfie.

My Stitch Fix came the other day too!!

I am so big I didn't really try on everything, but it is all super cute!! I just wasn't digging the dress or the lace detail cardi this time.  I love the distress sweater, but it was a little too distressed in the one shoulder and I worried that with two little ones, and a dog, it will not just be distressed, it will be destroyed.  SO I am only keeping two things.

I held it up and it appears that it will fit my frame perfectly, but I am not stretching out this pretty thing with my big old basketball belly.  It will give me something kinda loose (forgiving) yet pretty and feminine for when I am starting to get back into my normal shape.

And not the best pic, but this gorgeous cardi!! I love it! It is going to dress up any nursing tank/top and add a bit of fashion to my boring style of "mom" wardrobe.  My girl Maranda hooked me up and I can't wait to see what she styles for me next month!  Thanks so much!!

If you are interested in trying it out, seriously do so! It's so fun.  If you can get a few friends in on it with you, it's totally worth it because you can earn $25 for each person you refer!

Stitch Fix Referral Link

So yeah, here we are, 40 weeks to the day.  It's kinda hard because I really wanted to be at the Albany AdvoCare regional success school, but it's not like I can travel that far on my due date.  I know there will be more, but the timing is just awful!!

Plus? Not a single labor sign.  He's moving and grooving and boooooooy do I feel that or what!?!  I have to clean up a bit, as we are having family over for Brooke's birthday tomorrow.  Not stressing about anything, just taking life moment by moment.   Do you know how weird it is for your belly to sit on your lap?!

Every pic, OK how about everything I do, I'm always like, 'Maybe this will be the last time before baby!" ahahaha.  Oy.  I should just get it in my head he won't be here until  next Saturday.

Happy Weekend you lovely people!! 

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