Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Bradley's One Month Update

My oh, my….how time surely flies! I seriously cannot believe on 2/17 you turned one month!  We spent the evening just the two of us shopping at the mall. Ok, well I shopped and you slept the whole time!  It was the perfect way to celebrate hehe.   It's been a crazy month and we enjoyed every bit of it. You had your first holiday {Valentine's Day} and lots of visitors all month long.

At your last visit to the Dr. you were:
11 lbs 13 oz
22 inches long

Newborn clothing fit for one week.
0-3 months fit until your 3rd week.
You fit most 3 month clothing, although the sleepers have begun to get tight.
You have a big ol' noggin son! Your 0-6 months hats only fit a few days…
I've started to pull out 3-6 month and 6 month clothes!  I feel bad because you have some super cute shorts and tees in that size, but with all this cold and snow, that's not happening!

You sure love your food!  Nursing started out wonderfully and as my supply regulates, we're trying to figure it out together.  At first I made so much milk, you could barely handle just one side, but lately I think it's gone down some as I stopped pumping extra, and sometimes you'll take both sides.  If you start fussing a lot, I usually just nurse you and it tends to do the trick.   You tend to wake up 2-3 times a night, sleeping at most in 4/5 hour stretches. {thank you!}

You do spit up a bit more than we remember Brooke, and I have a heck of a time to get you to burp.  I get conflicting reports on whether the food I eat directly affects you; the Dr said it's all inconclusive whereas other moms say it is true.  I try to avoid onion and broccoli, as when I ate chili or salsa you were really gassy and fussy.  But there are times when I don't have that and you're unhappy too.  It's all a learning curve and we will figure it out!  Since you're such a big boy, the Dr is not concerned, I'm just being an overprotective mama who doesn't want her baby boy in pain.

I feel bad that in our first month you've already had to deal with Thrush (and we are still dealing with it) and that your belly gets gassy and you don't like that one bit.  You are a growing and healthy boy, other than those issues and I just want you to smile and coo always! We hate seeing you in such discomfort and mommy has already slept in your room with you a few nights.  I pray daily you won't get Crohn's like Daddy, and that your little system is just working out its kinks and all is still developing.

Your sister loves to give you "Dukes" when you make a fist, which is pretty much always. #poundit

{My baby blanket}

Clothes going over your head.
Being alone, other than when you are sleeping. You really love to be held!
The carseat.  Once we get driving, you're cooing and totally fine, but until we hit the road, notta fan!
When things are dropped/fall on the floor and make really loud noises. That always wakes you up.
Cold Wipes.
Gas pain.  :(

Bath time
White noises--humidifier, hairdryer, vacuum, sleep machine.
Being swaddled.
Smiling and being talked to.
Warm wipes.
NUK and 49ers pacifiers

I love your silly little, up to no good already, look.

Your daddy and I agree, you make the best and funniest faces! You have fit right into our lives, like you've always been here, and yet make our life all brand new.   We cannot believe how fast one month flew by with you and know that each day is a true blessing that you are in our lives.  I do not wish time away, as I know it will go by fast enough, but I am SO looking forward to warm weather with you and your sister!! It's going to be so much fun to get outside. Daddy and I keep talking about how much fun our family vacation with you will be!  For now, we will stay bundled up and cozy inside, huddled up in blankets, keeping each other warm.

We love you so much little one! Thank you for being our son.


  1. Well shoot that went fast! I can not wait to see you guys next weekend!

  2. Wait why does she get to see you?! Super jealous!! Ps. Adorable pics!

  3. Wait why does she get to see you?! Super jealous!! Ps. Adorable pics!


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