Tuesday, February 17, 2015

V-Day 2015

Since we were snowed in and it was still freezing, Brooke and I kept busy around the kitchen.  We started out by making Daddy a Valentine.

Thank you Pinterest! I just found something that looked pretty simple and that she could recognize.  She loves animals and Owls are right up there! She was quite amazed that we created an owl and she kept laughing saying,"hoo, hoo" and "owl" and even, "Ta-daaaaaa" when we were all done.  It was really cute…almost as cute as when Daddy got home at 5:00 and we had made this card at 10:30.  The FIRST thing she did, after yelling her typical, "Daddy, Daddy!" was tell him, "Owl? Owl?"  I was shocked.  I couldn't believe she remembered that we made the Owl card and that she had to wait to give it to Daddy.  She continues to surprise me every day with how grown up she is!  I love it.

Speaking of surprises, I saw the Fed ex guy come up to my door with a Pro Flowers box…now the running joke is that a few years ago I received roses on Valentine's Day, but they were for my neighbor! Since she wasn't home, the flower guy put a note on her door and asked me to hold them for her.  I didn't get any roses that year ha!

In fact, Joe sent me flowers our first V-Day (2008) but since then he may or may not pick up a bouquet at the store if he has time…but this year?? He totally shocked me and sent two dozen gorgeous red roses!! And maybe a small box of chocolate.  So sweet.  The card really made me smile and I am still enjoying these beauties today!

I whipped up a batch of these delicious vanilla cupcakes. Recipe here.

Brooke helped me decorate hers.

Note the Elsa dress?

Can you find hers?!

For dinner we did Lobster tails and lemon risotto.  I believe I am going to have to start doubling our recipe as I swear Brooke eats like an adult! She is just like her Daddy and loves all things Italian.  Ok, I do too, but it's funny how much she likes it!  I also broiled a few venison steaks that came out yummy and Brooke killed those too.

I gifted hubby a new sweater from Banana Republic, {here} that he looks so handsome in (he's wearing it today!) Gotta love their 40% off sales ;)  I placed the box and his card on his chair, so when he slid the chair out, he saw it. #trickytricky

I totally just made him send me a selfie. #hottie

We gave the kids cards and Brooke received a small heart shaped box of chocolates with a mini bear, and an Elsa crown, wand and bracelet.  I saw it at the grocery store and couldn't resist, since she keeps trying to make a crown out of a necklace that won't stay on her head, when she wears her Elsa dress.   Little girls are so fun.

Mr Bubs looked so handsome, and is certainly my little heart breaker!

His cheeks!

I just cannot believe this crazy amount of snow.  That's our back deck.

After the kids went to sleep we tried to find a movie to watch.  There really aren't a ton out there that look great, so we had heard this was good--

It really was interesting, freaked me out a little and I may have had to cover my eyes during certain parts, but I liked it.  Joe fell asleep, but I would recommend this movie. It makes you think and once again stresses what is truly important in life, not just what we 'think' is important on a day to day basis.

1 comment:

  1. Lol that is aweful of the fedex guy! What if you were had just broken up with a love and then get slapped in the face with someone else's flowers!? Haha and ps. Totally jealous of how Brooke eats! My kid barely eats all day!


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