Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Melting [Snowy] Walk

I cannot believe it's March already and that the snow is finally starting to melt!!  I am feeling much better, thanks to the antibiotics and have definitely been taking it easy…but I am ready to start doing more each day and today I am really working on Mr. B's schedule!! I truly believe if he is sleeping most the day, he will not sleep great at night…and the same goes for if he's up more during the day, he sleeps best at night! So that is today (and probably the rest of the week) goal.

Let's rewind, shall we?

Sunday Joe took Brooke to an indoor kid fair.  I was rather upset I couldn't go, but I know it was best for me to rest and not expose baby boy to all those germs anyway…

But my little girl rode her first pony!  I loved horses, still do actually, and it seems like she is following mama's footsteps.  It was really meaningful for my husband to let her ride the real horse, since they go on their weekly mall trip to ride the carousel.

So I snuggled with my baby bunny Sunday…

Monday we worked on some Easter crafts [thank you Target Dollar!]

I have been feeling like a cow--I am pumping and feeding him around the clock.  I am building quite the stash, as I just don't want to get plugged up again. He is my little pumping buddy.

His eyelashes are starting to really show!  I bought this onesie when I was prego with Brooke…I just found it!

Tuesday it was about 50 degrees outside , so I bundled up the kids and said, here we go!

We just went on a small walk down the street and behind the school.  I knew he was warm enough thanks to his cute monkey suit! He fell right to sleep and kept me warm too. 

Brooke had more fun jumping in the huge puddles of melted snow than anything! She did carry some snow around too.  She got super wet, I need to find water resistant boots, mamas?!  

She insisted on wearing her puppy hat backwards too.  

As tired as I am, I am making the most of these moments and still can't wait for Spring to really do its thing!  Looking back, Brooke's had a pretty good last few days! Haha.  This is why I love blogging. Sometimes I feel like I don't do enough with her, but seeing all of these highlights, I'd say she's doing quite alright. 


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