Monday, April 20, 2015

#brookeandbrad aka My Life

Daddy worked late Thursday, so it was some late night Play-Doh to the rescue.  We are kind of like lost puppies when he works late unexpectedly. But, we manage. ;)

And a walk outside.  It was little brisk, but it was above 50, so we walked!  I told myself if it was not raining and above 50, it was walk-worthy.

She loves the stream.

And reconnected with an old friend…

Mr. Bubs is a hungry little dude!

Oh, and he turned 3 months on Friday!!

Our deck needs to be power washed and we still need to bring up all of our furniture, but that doesn't stop the bubble queen!! She just adores the outside and mostly, bubbles.

Mr. Smiley

Saturday brought us to the park with some friends.  She is stylin' right?!

It was hard to keep him out of the sun, as most of the trees do not have leaves (shade) yet, so he sat in his seat.

This girl always finds a horse!

Don't mind my cheesy grin, but we walked a little mini hike…

Thanks again for carrying Brooke, Alison!

As I made dinner Saturday, I couldn't help but smile.  3 years ago when we had this deck built, THIS is what I envisioned.  Toys.  Kids.  Right outside my nose, so I could still see what was going on, but they could be outside.  #nailedit

Monday we met up with another mommy and her daughter at an indoor spot called "The Sandbox" and ironically, there is no sand. Fun, nonetheless.

Once baby boy starts being able to sit up and crawl, I can see them really enjoying this place even more! Brooke loved the blow up slide and bounce house.

I keep trying to stop time, but this one keeps getting bigger, smarter, and just so cute!

Lovin the slide!

And she had a special package to open when she got home.  Thank you Grandma Owl!

1 comment:

  1. Can't believe he is three months already! Time flies by so fast.


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