Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Spring Sickies

Wowie….what a long week!! Nothing worse than sick babes.  Even though Brooke can talk (a lot) she still can't tell me exactly what is wrong and how she feels, but last week I just knew she was starting to get what Joe had.  She started with a little tickle in her throat--it sounded like a chipmunk noise.  By Wednesday she was sleeping more and woke up with a fever, cough, and no appetite.

Luckily even though she would not eat much, she would drink. We stocked up on juices, as I don't usually give her juice, but I just wanted the poor thing to get something in her.

She even drank some of my fresh green juice--apple, kale, lemon, ginger, parsley--SUPER FOODS.

I quickly threw together a quick chicken soup; she ate a little, but I also had Joe eat it and myself.

She is always go-go-go and so I knew she wasn't well when all she could do is sit on the couch.

Saturday she felt a little better, but I was still trying to keep her doing "quiet activities" as she would start running around and then crash because she was exhausted.

Case in point, at my sister's little birthday party.  Brooke loves he cousin, and they played a little bit, but she was just a tired little babe.

Uncle Eric and the baby.

My dad and his grandson.

It was nice to gather for a little bit and we had a yummy lunch and cupcakes.  My kids were both not themselves, so hopefully we can get together again when everyone is well.

I wanted to get some pictures of the two of us because I don't have many lately, but we will just have to do some again.  She was not feeling it!

I have been stuck inside trying to get her healthy for most of the week/weekend. I even went to bed early myself on Saturday (like 7:30, I was resting watching PLL) just to try and keep myself from getting these nasty germs.  You name it, I've been doing it to stay healthy~
**KNOCK ON WOOD** I am still feeling well!  A little tired, as he woke up a few times last night, but nothin a little Spark and MNS E can't help. 

As for today, she still has a little cough but she is totally on the mend.  Bradley is doing well too and our big plans are to go to Target and pay my bill, buy some NINE month pjs for Mr. Bubs because he is too long for 6 month.   I also have to stop at the dry cleaners and grocery shop…some of that may not happen until Joe gets home, but we will see!  I feel like all I've done is lysol and clean, and do so much laundry to try and keep the germs at bay.  Hopefully this warmer weather will mean it's the last of the germy season!  I haven't even seen my poor mother in law since Easter because she got so sick…ugh!  Here's to better health for all!


I'd love to hear from you. Each & every comment is so very much appreciated!! :)