Tuesday, June 23, 2015


We survived the Tent Sale!! This year I really went into it with a positive mindset.  I usually get all frustrated, mopey, angry, lonely, sad, whatever you name it….because it is a really long time for him to be away from me (us). But I must say, going into it with optimism made it so much better this time. Sure it was hard to play solo parent and not see him until 1030/11 some nights, but he makes darn good money and allows me to stay home with these precious babes.  Plus we have vacay right around the corner so the countdown is on!

So what did we do?  A lot of just hanging around.

And eating. Eating and pooping is basically what happens all day long around here!

We visited our friends for a few hours…

We hit up the Farmer's Market for the first time this year!

Enjoyed the beautiful weather--sandbox is a hit!! Baby boy just loves being outside.

She ate her lunch in her playhouse.  Girl loves her strawberries!

LOL we made silly faces.

And took it easy.

Friday night we went to my inlaws for homemade pizza--YUM!  We made sure to take a nice stroll after all these carbs…so worth it though!

Brooke is OBSESSED with the fairy house.  Her and grandma need to make one!!

Brooke loves to 'feed her rabbit' like Grandma was feeding brother.

Saturday was HOT and SUNNY! We met my friend Alison for a walk along the canal.  Life is so much easier with an extra pair of hands

Sunday Joey had to move his office and cars back, but after that he drove all the way out to my dad's to spend a little family time.  Someone missed her daddy something fierce!

It makes me so excited for Lake George and all of the family time we will enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. your photos are so nice of the family. there so cute on the swings your all small in the swing so cute.


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