Thursday, August 27, 2015

Fun at home With a Toddler

While I don't ever "officially" have a lesson plan…I kind of just wing things around here in the "Toddler School" department. I am hoping to get on track come next Monday 8/31, like I've mentioned before with Tot School. 

For now?  When baby bro naps, we pull out the messy stuff, like paint!

-$1 sponge cut into pieces
-blue paint
-giant roll of brown paper from $1 store to try to contain any mess

She knows B and so we used blue…

I was inspired by Leah and her Mommy School, who had done this cupcake liner craft…so we added "water" with the sponge paint.

She then requested orange and just started painting away.

Brother woke up so I did the dishes and these two goofed around.

Tuesday night the new Madden came out, so I had to snap a photo of our silly little family.

We've been reading/doing some work with The Very Hungry Catipillar and her mind was BLOWN when I found it on Netflix for her.

Wednesday we did a little baking for brother!  She loved playing with the extra dough, rolling, pinching, and flipping!

I was going to buy or order some teething biscuits, but I just googled and found a recipe online.

Super simple recipe HERE

He approved!

We then went up to the dealership so Daddy could help switch the carseats.  He is just TOO heavy for me to carry in that seat, so we put him in Brooke's other seat, rear facing.  I then thought it'd be fun to drive out to our land…

Cross your fingers we close within the next month!!

And theeennnnn….a DOUBLE meltdown occurred. Brooke was fussy because Bradley was fussing, and she started saying she was hungry.  So I do something I never do, and got her a happy meal.   She enjoyed her cheeseburger and I was able to feed the baby.

That's real life!   I had packed snacks, but she went through them so quickly, I was in a pinch and whatever.  We don't eat it all the time.  Sometimes ya just roll with the punches.  I usually stay home because I know my kids and they thrive on routine, but man some days I just need to get out and drive. I used to drive an hour to and an hour from work, and while I do not miss that daily commute, especially in the winter, I do miss just getting out and about.  I know they won't be this little and so much work for long, (I say that a lot, don't I?) so I just do what I can and we are all just fine.

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