Thursday, September 3, 2015

Color Week {Tot School}

I feel like my house has been Grand Central Station over here!! We've had our chimney fixed, AC repaired (furnace died) Cable updated, carpets measured, carpets torn out, and I'm sure I'm forgetting something.  Every day it's been busy, but I've tried my best to keep things moving over here with "Toddler School."  My printer is not working and I don't have any laminating sheets for my new laminator, sooooo we just rolled with the punches.  My main goal was to keep the TV off because that dang thing is so easy to turn on!

For color week I just went around and pulled anything that was colorful.  She loves playing with the pom poms.  She puts them in a cup, adds a pipe cleaner as a "straw" and drinks.

We tried color sorting/matching, but she wasn't that impressed.

She loves the clings, though I won't let her really mess these up.  She has apples up front that she enjoys ripping, errr, playing with.

We snack and I try to read books about colors.

Pink Tray-gathered as many toys as we could that were pink!

At the playground, she was singing a made up song about all the colors on the slide, so that was kind of cool!

We discovered "Color Crew" on Netflix.

This was BY FAR the best activity.  A few ice cubes.  A bit of water with a couple drops of food coloring.

A ladle. Two buckets. WINNING!

Baby boy really liked it too, until he got a little cold from the water.

And we added yellow to it after nap time, which obviously made green.

We sorted the colored blocks and built towers.

We moved into mom and dad's room where the fan was since the AC was not working.

I pulled out a box of toys in the basement and we went through these colors!

We did a little baking today with some apples that were on their way out.  Simple, tasty and she loves making a mess in the kitchen!

That box of toys kept her occupied for a bit!

So while I don't feel like I "taught" her much, I know she is learning and most importantly having fun.  The key to us having great days is to stay busy, active, and move around the house!  It's a little tricky with the baby who spits up a little bit; I have to make sure we have blankets wherever we go..but he has gotten much better with that!  He's army crawling, she's almost potty trained and overall I would give ourselves an A for the week!!  Fridays are always nice because Daddy's around, (mommy gets her nails done) and Saturday they head to Nana and Papa's for a sleepover!  Long weekend ahead and we are pumped.

Did you get on board with the tot schooling?  I am looking forward to shapes next week!

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