Monday, November 16, 2015

Mommy Monday: What we've been up to

In the life of a stay at home mama, it can get pretty repetitive, pretty quickly!  It's easy to fall into a 'routine' or make excuses of just staying home.  For me?  The weather changing has me like---whoa.

I absolutely love our house and am even more grateful we took the time to finish a room in our basement and deem it the "play room" but sometimes I still feel a little like we just do the same thing, day in, day out.  It's funny how just going outside to color with chalk, play on the back deck, in the sandbox, or simply go for a walk makes such a huge difference!  It hasn't even begun snowing yet, but I feel like we are always inside.  I'm making note of that and hoping we bundle up and get moving more outdoors!

Anyway, what have we been up to?  We have done lots of little errands or car rides.  We've pulled out pots and pans and stirred wooden blocks into them.  We've practiced crawling up the stairs.  We've even worked on our letter skills and I've been talking/teaching a lot about Thanksgiving and being grateful. I'm pretty sure it's going right over their heads, but I still feel the need to do this and I know next year when I pull out my Thanksgiving bin, they'll be that much further along in their understanding.

Brooke is absolutely loving dance class.  I didn't think she'd enjoy it as much as she is!! We got her some leg warmers and she wore those to class on Saturday.  Of course I love that she dances, it brings back nothing but happy memories for me as a kid, but more importantly, she gets excited and really loves her teachers and friends.  It's great!  Not to mention, the girls are actually pretty good for being only 2-3 years old!  It's a sweet bunch of girls and that makes a huge difference, I am sure.

Bradley isn't quite walking yet, he'll stand up and giggle and fall down to crawl. Fast. Like really fast.  He loves all foods and is doing so great sleeping, eating, etc.  He's all go go go when he's awake, but he sleeps like a champ--thank you bubby!! 

Brooke is perfecting her "P" not too bad, I must say!

I have to say her favorite part of crafting is the glue stick.

My little bubs!  He does have a cranky time from 5- bed.  He would probably go down around 6:00-6:30 if we let him, but then he's up at the crack of dawn! So we try to keep him up until 6:45/7 and he's usually up around 6:30/7.  The other night I strapped him in the Ergo and danced around to Bad Blood. Usually does the trick.

Love that crazy little face!

He can be pretty chill at times too.

And here's my 3rd weekly vlog, don't mind my singing voice! 
{Dare I say I'm onto something with these vlogs??}
Some clips from our staycation and just hanging around.  

Thanks for reading & watching. 

Have a lovely Monday!

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