Sunday, January 10, 2016

Mommy Monday: Happy Birthday Brooke

I know almost every mother feels this way, but I am still not sure how it was 3 years ago today you came into this world.  Now we're taking you to dance lessons & talking about which pre-school you'll attend.

You are the sweetest and most thoughtful little girl I have ever known.  Before we go anywhere to meet up with friends, you make sure to bring enough stuffed animals for each of them.  If someone is sad, you run to him and tell him "it's okay," and softly touch a shoulder.

You're also full of spunk and spice and everything in between.  I've learned to let you come into things on your own, as you always do on your own time.  Sometimes I cannot believe how much you know and how capable you are at so many things. I have no doubt you will hold your own in this world baby girl, and you will be amazing.

Your second language is currently "Dog" and your barking actually sounds quite real.  Daddy and I know that one day you won't be leaving your toys all over the floors and barking at your brother.  You won't want to "snug" on the couch, or blow kisses to us each night.

Although I feel as though you're 3 going on 6, I still try to slow time down.  To stop and eat the pretend cupcakes.  To allow the messy playdough to pile under your chair as you rip it into a million pieces.  To let you help me unload the dishwasher or fold the clothes.

To enjoy the moments each day.

Happy Birthday Brooke Lynn.

From the day we found out we were having you, we have loved you more than you will ever know.


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