Thursday, February 11, 2016

Currently {Thursday Edition}

Happy Thursday!! Oh man is it snowing outside! I was hoping to take the kiddos to the museum of play, but they're still kind of sick and the roads are terrible.  So I have been trying to break out some fun things like paint in ziploc bags taped to the windows and banging on pots and pans with wooden spoons.  It's sort of working...

I had a few ideas floating around in my head that I wanted to share!  

For 4 days in a row, I have started each morning with this 10 minute guided meditation for my chakras.  I obviously don't expect immediate results, but I have been wanting to meditate and work on this forever, so I just started doing it. I'll grab my iPad first thing and listen to it.  So far I like it. I want to give it 21 days to really start it as a habit and see how I feel.

Today the new Blue Ikat leather keeper was released along with the new Chevron Geo Bar.  How adorable?!  I cannot wait to add this to my arm parties.   " Wear this Limited Edition Key as a reminder that beyond the clouds, the stars still sparkle."  ---I LOVE THAT!!

Sticky Asian Ribs:
Dinner is marinating in the fridge as I type!  I combined two recipes and kind of put my own spin on them.  I am hoping these turn out as good as I hope!! I will for sure let you know and give a better detail of them.  {here and here}  I made a soup the other day kind of concocting a bunch of things together and Joe and I LOVED it. So, here's to another new recipe!!

Listening to:
So this song isn't new, but it's on some commercial and I had Joe look it up...the lyrics are actually really good! It came on my "Today's Hits" on Pandora too, so I just keep playing it.  Nice little ring to it...

Bradley boy:
Have I mentioned that I never had brothers or really any sort of "training" when it comes to baby boys?! Haha.  This one, ohhhh my word.  He is something else, I tell ya! He fell asleep on the way home from Target the other day...

He finds it hilarious to put the soft block in this wood holder and bounce on it.  Repeatedly.  He also really enjoys climbing onto EVERYTHING and giving his momma almost heart attacks.   Clearly he's a bit on the wild side. Most pictures are like this~

And today?  
Brooke was up coughing at 11, 1, 3 {got up to get her some water, let the dog out} and then she was up at 5.  Bradley woke up crying and has been off all day--I had Joe bring home some infant tylenol as I think it's his bottom molar and I usually don't give our babes meds, but this little dude was in pain and I felt so bad for him.  He's finally down napping now and seemed A LOT better after that.  Plus they're both fighting off these stupid colds...

Club W--My friend Amie sent me a coupon to try this wine delivery.  You see, here in NY I can't just grab a bottle of wine at the grocery store.  We have to go to a liquor store, which never happens with two littles in tow.  Plus they have a cool quiz you can take and get some wine recommendations.  If you're interested, here's the coupon for you to try!  {here}  Since that box I ordered hasn't arrived yet, I may have begged hubs to grab me a bottle of white on the way home. #sos

I've got a goal to be more of a finisher.  I tend to get sidetracked with great ideas and ambitions, but never finish, or almost never finish and then I feel like poo. {Thanks to a Chalene podcast I was listening to, it really helped me see that!} SO,  I started reading The Sell a few months ago and I am bound and determined to finish it!  I will review it when I am done. #boom

Thought of the day week: I keep pushing on.  This doesn't really mean I'm going to give up as a mom by any means, it's just that in general, things get super hard and I get frustrated...but I know that it's in these crucial moments a breakthrough is bound to happen.

Stay beautiful my friends!! xox

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