Sunday, February 7, 2016

Leggings. Me Time. Chakras

Back in 2010 we went to Europe for our honeymoon. I saw every girl there wearing leggings and they looked so chic!! I bought a few pairs over there and cannot believe how much I still love them even now.  I know the trends tend to start over there and head over here, but I had no idea 6 years later, leggings would still be HOT HOT HOT.  I guess that's my excuse as to why I pretty much wear them 24/7.  Once in awhile I'll throw on some jeans, but let's be real.  They're not leggings.  I love a good summer dress, but in this Winter weather?  I love me some leggings.  It's so simple to throw on my Ugg boots or a pair of sneakers. Voila.

I figured I would share some of my favorites!

LuLaRoe.  They're definitely worth money, but try not to dry them! They'll fade a bit.  I love that they're funky and the prints are so cute.  I paired my new coral Keeper with the Palm leaf with these cuties!  {I won this as an incentive to sponsor & coach a teammate to qualify~I LOVE being recognized for accomplishments!!}

I scooped up these V-day inspired leggings a few weeks ago--totally adorable and fun!

Express- I think it's probably my favorite store and I love their leggings, but they can be pricey too. I got a few pairs while they were on sale---I love them!! I was so excited about the mesh design.  They're a bit breezy in the cold weather, but inside they're totally fine.

I feel so edgy and fun~

And of course Old Navy.  I still love my ON workout capris.  They're always good for some workout motivation!  I tried washing my sneaks but they're still quite stained when the baby had a little spit up on my left foot. I may or may not have been UBER romantic when I told my husband, can I please have new kicks instead of V-Day roses? LOL  Oy.

Friday I had an appointment to get an abdominal Ultrasound to see if I could get any answers about my tummy issues. {No word yet}.  I left the house at 7:30 and did not return until 2.  Whoa! 

It was wear red that day for heart disease and I was totally feeling that vibe...

After my ultrasound I went to Panera to grab breakfast since I had to fast prior.  It was so WEIRD to be able to sit, alone and eat. I honestly didn't even know what to do with myself.  After that I went and got gas, had a hair appointment, went and got my brows done and picked up sushi for Joe and I to eat when I got home.

In those hours I really took note of everything going on around me.  I find that when I'm with the kids, I am so focused on them, I rarely notice the little things. The traffic I was stuck in on the way to the ultrasound. The old man who yelled at another man for running a stop sign in the parking lot.  The two hours of conversation I was able to have with my hairdresser.  The uplifting brow appointment with a beautiful spirited person, Jenna.  Ever meet someone who just makes you feel better by being in her presence? Yes, that's her.  It's more than just getting my eye brows on fleek; I swear it was a bit of a tune up too.  She's into teaching yoga and all about the essential oils.  We talked about reiki and how I have been feeling all sorts of stuck and out of whack.  It made me want to revisit my whole "tune into the divine" and work on myself some more.  

She said wearing red is a great way to work on my root chakra and feel more grounded and balanced. Which is funny because while I was there I picked up an essential oil to try out; it seemed to kind of tell me that I needed it.  It smells sooooo amazing.  I haven't tried this brand, but I have heard wonderful things about it.  So I figured this mama of two littles could use a little extra "balancing" in her life.  I have been putting it on my wrists and just inhaling its lovely scent.  My next goal is to get my booty to a yoga class.

This whole weird not feeling well thing? It sucks, obviously.  Talking with T my trusted acupuncturist, she believes it's just stress.  She could be right. I put a lot of pressure on myself in a lot of ways, for no real reason at all.  I personally believe my Solar Plexus chakra is really unbalanced {causes digestive issues, etc} So I'm going to work on balancing these bad boys and trying not to be so worked up all of the time.  If you start googling, you will see all sorts of interesting info pop up! From songs, to wearing certain colors, and's amazing! 

I saw this that someone painted and I wish I could paint it myself!  I love the mantras though...

Did you know there are Chakra stations on Pandora?? Yes, there are and you should totally go check them out.
I'm sure this may be a bit woo woo to some of you, but I personally find it fascinating!  I may have a citrine crystal on its way, to help me balance the negativity as well.

And this?  Love it.  Makes me happy to see the bright colors and remember to stop stalling and just start doing. It's going to be imperfect and messy and not what I expect, especially if I sit and think about everything instead of actually doing.

Happy Super Bowl Sunday! We are just staying in and I'm working on trying to get all of us healthy.


  1. Love those mesh leggings. I have some from Old Navy that are very lululemon inspired but far more reasonably priced.

  2. I'm involved with doTerra and Balance is one of my faves! I don't leave the house without it. I put it in the soles of my feet and find it helps with anxiety. Another good one for stress release is Past Tense. I hope you're feeling better!!


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