Sunday, March 13, 2016

Weekly Workouts & Menu

OK.  So my 'break' wasn't much of break, but I feel ready and have lots to write about, so write I shall!  I believe I have come up with a decent calendar of writing ideas and although I may not get to write every post, I have a solid foundation of what I would like to say and use this blog stay tuned!! I hope you enjoy what I plan on using this blogging space as.

Sundays I'm going to stick with trying to keep weekly menu ideas (it really helps me stay on track!) and I'll even share some of my past week eats too.  

This weekend I was so lucky to get some much needed girl time in with some good friends.  Carbs/coffee and girlfriends seem to go hand in hand, am I right? ;) 

It's not often I get to enjoy days like this, so when I do? I cherish them!!

Easy tip:  

Buy butternut squash already cut up.  Toss with sea salt & evoo and roast in a 400 degree oven for about 30 minutes.  I sprinkle it in salads, eat it by itself, or you could throw it in a soup & pureé!  Baby boy loves it and he gobbles it right up.

Tuesdays date night was so fun & I totally didn't take any photos because we were sitting at a table with others and I really just devoured the food.  The drinks were too strong, but super fun to try (sips) of.

I'm such a wino and bourbon and cognac just aren't my thing.

I did enjoy this cup of champagne punch.  It was the only drink I really could drink!

My menu this week is fairly simple.  My goal is to eat 90% clean all day, and then eat with Joe for dinner. I hate "dieting" but I do need to up my veggies and lean proteins during the day.  As you will see, I have pasta on my menu a few times. I find nothing wrong with a little pasta; I don't like or use whole wheat, but I do limit how much I eat.  Everything in moderation.

Can I tell you how excited I am to try this Mango Lime sauce out? It's so yummy!!

As for workouts last week?

Kind of lame...

Tues- Upper Fix
Weds- Walked/pushed the kids in the stroller 2.5 miles.

Up this week?
Today (Sunday) I took a nice long almost 2 hour walk with a friend and pushed Bradley.  Tomorrow I am scared out of my mind to start this:

I hope I don't die. Haha.  22 minutes, how bad could it be?  #famouslastwords

What's on your menu & workout plan?

Stay beautiful xox

1 comment:

  1. I love you and I am so glad your break didn't last that long I won't lie! I can not wait for May! So looking forward to girl time and the kiddos getting to play together! I can not wait to see what you have to share with us! xoxo


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