Thursday, April 7, 2016

Confessing Thoughts!

I confess...

I stalk Nikki on the daily and I love these Thursday confessions so much I had to join in!

I am working really hard on not drinking coffee.  Ok, too much coffee. I've cut down to 1 cup a day and I'm proud of that!

I said to the hubby today that one day we will have our "Fridays" back and I actually am looking forward to that.  I love love love staying home with my babies, but I know that it can't last forever, one day they'll be in school, and Fridays will be just ours again!

We talk a lot about the future and what my "job" will be when the kids go back to school. Since our rental properties are growing, maybe I'll be more like this girl on Flip or Flop.  Today we are on a hunt for a mirror, so naturally my instincts are telling me to go to Target.

I also will confess I totally have a total girl crush on her and think she's pretty much perfect haha!

I am excited for our date night Saturday; lil sis is taking the kids and then bringing them back Sunday to hangout for the day--good times!

I'm hooked on Green Tea {matcha} Lattes from Starbucks.  Again, working on the whole cutting down on the coffee.

Super pumped about the new launch of S&D today!! I cannot wait to model my new items!

Baby boy has the cutest noises still.  "Hiiiiiyyyyyyaaaaaaaa" is his current repeated phrase.

Brooke still sucks her thumb; I'm hoping she grows out of it, but it's hard that I can't just take it away. What to do?!

OH hey 2013, I finally joined Snap Chat and am trying to convince all my besties to post silly randomness alongside me.  I'm obsessed. For realz.

I'm a firm believer in the universe and what you put out there comes's totally working lately!


I'm finally coming to terms with the whole no more kids thing.  It's been a done deal since October, but I was still holding onto things...but I'm letting go and we are all good!

I've made $60 on Thred.Up and $200 on craigslist so far and I am super excited to keep selling junk we don't need!  It takes a little effort and I never get what I really want for things, but it's still money in our pocket and going to people who could use them.

I don't love working out but I do love the way I feel afterwards.  Just. Push. Play.

I'm surely not one to sit around and complain, but MAN I will admit I am soooo ready for warm weather.

Totally trying a new dinner tonight, Taco Tots, so stay tuned!

Loving that it's Thursday; what do you confess?!


  1. Love your good vibes only, such an important thing to keep in mind. Taco tots sound delicious!

  2. Good vibes only! Taco tots sound delicious!


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