Monday, May 9, 2016

Mommy Monday

I love being their mommy!! We had a great week with better weather and more time outside, which means better sleeping babes!  We opened up the sand box and although there are tons of leaves and sticks, they were having a blast.  I love watching them play outside.

I realized I don't have many photos of him on the monitor; I just used to be obsessed when Brooke was little, but now I think I just get so busy trying to get stuff done when he's down, but look how big he is in his bed!

Sunshine meant we were outside playing when we could!  He loves the flowers.

He just wants to run all over them though!

Thursday we went to creative play, bounced around & played at the gym.  After that we had a nice little lunch on the lake with my step mom and she gave me this adorable mug.  I realized I snap chatted most of my days, and I'm not saving them all--so follow me @mrsdellefave on Snap Chat for more!!

Friday was a full day of mulching and I felt bad because the only time I could really help was during the kids' nap time.  Otherwise, I was chasing crazy man bubs and trying to keep him out of the mulch!

I'm really trying to keep Brooke involved with cooking.  She loves it and is getting to be such a good helper!  I love grabbing these Naan flatbreads and letting her make our pizza.  I throw some chicken wings in the oven, and we've got a healthier & tastier (not to mention cheaper!) version of pizza and wings.

I still swoon whenever I see my kids reading.  We need to checkout a secondhand book store, becauase our library needs to grow.  We love visiting our local library, but I still would like some more books for the Summer!! 

And Mother's Day? It was wonderful.  Hubby took care of me all day!  He grabbed us bacon gouda egg sandwiches from Starbucks and my Matcha Latte.  The babysitter helped Brooke make me a few cards and Joe gave me this adorable one.  {he also got me some delicious Ghiradelli Dark & Sea Salt Carmel chocolates--yum!}

I really need some more photos of just me and the kids! I am hoping Nikki can take a few when we are hanging out this week.

I'm excited to have a friend/mommy to talk to all week haha! Brooke is excited to have a little friend too! Whether we hit up the museum of play, some fun parks/playgrounds, or even just lounge in sweats and let the kids play with toys, I'm sure it's going to be so much fun!

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