Thursday, June 2, 2016

I confess...

....that I totally pushed pause on my cleanse. I have 5 days left, but I could not resist an ice cream cone and a few cocktails over the holiday weekend. I'll restart June 6th! Join me?

...I already ordered some new Summer items that launched today from our collection! The coral branch is SO pretty and will be the perfect Summer accessory.

...I'm hoping my Mystery Hostess Party gains momentum and that some lucky girl will win a ton of Keep loot!!

...I am addicted to reading.  Legit.  I can't stop listening to Pretty Girls, although I can because it's rather disturbing and messed up, so I don't listen while little ears are present.

...I love the smell of a hot morning.  I opened the sliding glass door up to let Holly out and it smells so good!  72 at 7:00, YES!

...June is always a long and tough month with how much hubby has to work, but I know that the money is good and we have some down time coming up in July.

...I'm all about the self-tanners lately. I just bought Jergens to slather on again and I have to say, it's not too shabby! I don't love the smell but the price is good. I want to try some others too, since I love the Summer glow but don't want crispy skin!

...I'm so proud of our little girl; she got on stage last night for her dress rehearsal and did really really well!!  I may have teared up and my mouth was on perma smile.  She was amazing.  She looked so grown up and her curly blonde hair is getting long---be still my mama heart. I love her so.

...I also am loving how much Brookie is enjoying reading! All it took was a few new books and me reading in front of her and she's totally hooked again. For awhile she didn't want much to do with them, but I made a big deal when I came home from B&N and she has me read them a few times a day.

...I have my first pre-school meeting next week and I'm actually really looking forward to it! I am excited for this new chapter in our lives.

...I finally worked out again yesterday for the first time in awhile.  My arms are sore, but it felt so good!

...I'm super ecstatic for my friend Elizabeth and her new venture, Glamour by Elizabeth.  She is such a caring, sweet soul with TONS of beauty advice! When I've been sporting my yoga pants and tees for too long, I look to her for some inspiration.  Confidence is key and she is spilling all her secrets as to how she stays glam, day to day!

...hubby was out the door by 7am for a Dr appointment and I was able to eat my breakfast in quiet, write this blog and there's still no stir from up above...I may even get a quick shower in!

...nothing is more important than where you are right now, in this moment, and so just breathe.  You can't focus on what has happened in the past and you cannot worry about the future.

Happy Thursday!


  1. Pre-school already? I feel like you just had your little girl, lol. Time flies!

  2. Oh tell me more about this Pretty Girls. I am finishing Luckiest Girl Alive right now and I am loving it. Isn't it the best feeling when you start working out again?! My legs are sore because I started running again this week. Feels amazing. Love that last saying/confession. You are completely right!


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