Monday, August 8, 2016

Day 2: stop the comparison game

Happy Monday friends!

I am a little anxious today, so any extra positive energy can be sent my way!! I am really trying to focus on all good things and to get myself to stop comparing my life to anyone else's. 

I am truly happy with my life, but there's always that wish of ....just a little bit more!  


Maybe you too struggle with being at peace with what you have and are a little harsh on yourself.  We need to stop being so hard and just love ourselves.

Here's my unedited day two video!



  1. Jenn - you have no idea how much your video spoke to me! I have really been struggling with comparison lately... so much that it has almost consumed me. I may not comment a lot, but I have been a long time reader. Thanks for the inspiration today! Keep being your wonderful self! :)

    1. I am SO happy to hear this helped you too! We need to just be happy with ourselves and if we need to, shut down the social media for a bit. Be grateful for what's right in front of us. Thank you!

  2. your so right I do the same thing ..thank you for this post it is much needed

    1. You are so so welcome friend!! I hope you are well. Keep being your beautiful self!

  3. JENN!!! I LOVED watching this video!

    Thank you for speaking about an issue I struggle with on a nearly daily basis. I get so mad at myself when I fall down the comparison hole because I don't ever want to feel ungrateful for all I have...but gosh. Social media (as much as I, too, love it) is such a breeding ground for comparison.

    Thanks for being so wonderful!

    P.S. You could totally be an actress or TV host! You're a natural in front of the camera!

    1. Yay! I was so nervous about making these, but as nervous as I was, I knew maybe just maybe someone else needed to hear these words too. You are TOO kind...I don't love watching myself back--eeek! I appreciate your sweet words xo


I'd love to hear from you. Each & every comment is so very much appreciated!! :)