Saturday, October 22, 2016

Favorite Space {and place!}

My favorite space is currently our office.  It became the "catch-all" for quite some time and a place I'd just shut to door to, because I was constantly overwhelmed with clutter.  The mail piles up quickly if I let it, as do things that aren't used that often.

Why do I love my office? Well, although it may contradict itself, I also use it as a place to go and meditate, do some yoga, and just have as "my own."  In our family of four, every room is accounted for and this one just has to do double duty for me.

I have our wedding photos sprinkled around, because they make me so happy; it really was the happiest day of my life.  I also have my crystals, tibetan singing bowl, yoga mat and some essential oils at arm's length.

Next to my desk is a vision board. I only have one visual of our dream home, but I wrote out goals/dreams on post-its to look at and remind myself of "big dreams."

I love that there is a window and it probably has one of the most serene views of the house; no other houses can be seen or the school parking lot (until Winter, when the leaves are gone.)

It makes my yoga practice that much better when I can see outside like this!  I also have our aloe plant; I really want to add more plants to our home, but I have a very brown thumb.

My desk is not at all what I want. This hunk of junk, (no offense hubby!) is Joe's and has been here since before me and I don't even know how long?! It holds a printer (which I use) a monitor (which I don't) and I think it's kind of an eye sore.  The goal is to get a nice white desk, so that will be my next big purchase hopefully with my little blue Stella card!  I would also like a little bulletin board or something too, as I am starting to get lots of little stuff for Brooke's preschool and need a place to keep it all.  *Hence my messy stacks on the unused monitor!!  I'm just trying to not break the bank, knowing we'll be moving in 2 years anyway.

I did buy a little desk light from Target as the room can be a little dark.  I keep my journals/calendar here and really do a lot of Stella work, all of our bills and everything for our rental properties.

I also really enjoy writing my blog in here.  For me this little space has helped me become more myself.  I find solace in having a little area of my own where I can just let thoughts and dreams run wild, as well as earn a little extra income for my family!

I still have to say my favorite place would be our land. It's hard because I don't go there a lot, but it doesn't mean I don't think of it.  I dream of our new home, our yard where the kids will play and grow and our dogs will roam.  I envision a pool and nice deck to entertain friends in the Summer. I think of all of the meals I will cook in our new kitchen, overlooking the living room.  I cannot wait until I have my big closet and can hang up all of my things! And of course I love the 20 acres we can walk, ride around on the atv and just be one with nature.  

What is your favorite space or place?

1 comment:

  1. Word of advice about art work from school, or at least what works for us, I have an instagram account strictly for #babybigtrucks school art work that I linked to chatbooks and have printed when I fill up a book. I take photos as it comes home and then I do not feel guilty throwing it away as I will always have the chatbooks for them. Food for thought!


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