Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Recipe Share: Matcha Latte

I thought I'd share a drink recipe today!  Since I kicked my Coffee (and Spark) habit, stupid reflux, I still craved something in the morning a little more than just a cup of plain old green tea.  I knew matcha was powerful, but I didn't know how amazing.  Check this out!

 I kept hearing about "Green Tea Lattes" and finally tried one at Starbucks---wow! Total game changer. Now of course, I've gotten some flack because it's got quite a bit of sugar in it, and the powder they use is not like anything I have found in the store (or Amazon)  But I really watch what I eat (typically) and try really hard to limit sugary items.  I found myself venturing out for these almost daily, so my wallet and health needed an intervention.  It's taking me a few months to figure out the best way to make these, but finally I found it!

Here is how I make my matcha lattes.

1.  I enjoy soy milk, and I prefer the reduced fat only because of the taste and consistency.  I've tried vanilla soy and that's okay too.  I've also invested in a milk warmer/frother---TOTALLY worth every penny.

2.  I bought this kind off of Amazon. Use 1/2 teaspoon.

3.  It's very clumpy so I mix it with a tiny bit of hot water to help smooth it out.

4.  This thing does all the work with one button--you can get it super frothy or just a little, I love that it has two options.

5. Pour and mix the green tea & water with the milk.

Here is what the warmer looks like. I am not a kitchen gadget person; I find that too many tools are a waste of space, but this is super easy to clean.

You'll get a little bit of film from the milk, (which I was getting waaaaay more from heating in the pan, and then the mess of boiled milk spilling over!! Oh, it was bad!!)  You just use the handy little brush and scrape it out.

I do it right after I use it and it looks brand new.

So again, here are some awesome perks of drinking this fabulous latte!  You could just make it with water, add a little honey, but I prefer it straight up with my soy.

I haven't tried any of these, but you could add it to your juicing recipes, smoothies or even bake with it!  I have read you don't want to take too much, as with anything.  I try to limit my use to once a day and sometimes I will just go for a chai instead.

If you follow me on instagram, you'll see these in my instastory quite often!  Even if you're a huge coffee drinker, you may surprise yourself and enjoy a cup of this.  I love how mellow I feel and truly get no crash or high off the caffeine.  It's a slow and steady awake feeling and I appreciate that.  I still stop at Starbucks now and then and definitely enjoy them at fancy coffee shops, but I am so happy to have found something to replace my coffee habit.  Sure I miss it and especially this time of year with all things pumpkin spice etc, but when you listen to your body, and find something that makes you feel better instead of worse, you listen to it.

Let me know if you've tried  Matcha! 
I'd love to hear your favorite recipes.

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