Monday, March 6, 2017

Thoughts from the Weekend

Get ready for a random, all over the place post. LOL!

It was a nice weekend to have Joe home.  We were thinking of going away for the weekend with the kids or getting out and doing something fun, but that just didn't work out. Baby boy is still feeling not quite himself and I got hit the hardest Friday.  My whole head was congested and as much as I tried to keep up with "mom life" it got the best of me. I rested a lot and fell asleep at 8:30 Friday night.

Joe grabbed us sushi Friday evening and so Saturday I had left over Miso soup, juice and water for lunch.  I LOVE FOOD so when I had no appetite, I knew I was sick.  I am grateful for solid vitamins and lots rest, as I think it could have been much worse.  Thank goodness it was not!

I think my daily dose of positivity and green tea help too.  Sunday I was able to get out for a few hours and check out some goods at Mashalls and Target.  I may have stopped at Express too.

Totally random, but I saw this photo on my phone...April 1st you'll see these two fools tearing it up at the Ugly Disco.  We cannot wait!!  This was back in 2012...pre kids.  I am hoping I feel my very best this year!

This was a solid read!! Sorry about the language and if you're offended, than don't bother, because he probably drops the F bomb like 50+ times.  I think his message was pretty good and I know that I give WAAAAAAY too many effs about unimportant things.  I'm working on that.

Have you signed up for #thegirlfriendproject yet?!  Sign ups are open until the end of March.  You will be paired up with another lady for the month of April.  We will be "Showering each other with kindness!"

Link is here:#TheGirlfriendProject

A look at my first box from my partner Lindsay!

Thursday night I did whip up some asparagus wrapped in prosciutto.  No one was really hungry, but it was tasty nonetheless.  At least I tried?

Back track to last Wednesday it was almost 70 degrees and we had so much fun playing outside.  (I think this was when we were feeling better, and then bam, the next day baby boy got hit hard again.)

Seriously my life has been in this spot all last week.   I hate seeing my kids sick; it's so hard! Hopefully we will be on the mend this week and kick these germs to the side.

That's about all I have. I've been doing some workouts I'll be sharing and I am thinking of doing an actual "February Favorites" post, if I can find the time.

My biggest struggle is that I want to do everything, but when you try to do it all, you are not very good at it.  So, I'm trying my hardest to focus and put forth energy on things that will be really well developed and good.

I also just signed up for a virtual book club and I am excited to hold myself accountable to that.

I just need to keep laughing, keep breathing, keep loving and enjoying the small moments of life.

I rush around and then try to relax...

I find myself dwelling on little petty things that annoy me or the not so great parts of me.

I need to really stop being so hard on myself and love myself where I am.

I am terrible at the comparison game lately.

Do you know what I mean?  Where you start noticing every crumb on your just cleaned carpet?

Every wrinkle on your face?

Every mistake you make?

It's a stupid slippery slope and I want to get off of it!

I listened to Joel Olsteen's message yesterday in the shower and it spoke to me about being happy. Finding the laughs, and smiles and enjoying life is why God put us here. We are not here to be miserable or feel less than.

I will put that in the forefront of my mind this week as I work hard on healing ourselves and enjoying March. 


  1. So how is this book club being ran do you know? Is there a post about it that I missed? I am excited for it! Hope y'all are feeling better!

  2. My husband has that book. I need to read it. Love proscuitto wrapped asparagus. And that you got sometime outside with the kids.


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