Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Brooke's Pre-School Circus

Hi, I'm Jenn and I used to blog over here in this part of the interwebs!!

I'm not really sure how to "ease" back into blogging, so I figured I'd just start sharing some fun happenings. We finally booked our family vacation for this Summer and I was showing the kids our previous trips to Lake George, and realized how much I love looking back onto it.

So here goes!

Brooke had a Circus at preschool.  The kids got to choose which animal they wanted to be and she chose a lion.  #thatsmygirl

Grandma, Daddy, Mommy & brother were all there cheering her on!

I didn't have "brown clothes" to dress her in, but I did have a faux fur vest!

She was the best little lion out there!!

Grandma loved her performance!

We took a Mommy daughter day a little while ago and stopped at Starbucks and checked out the mall.

I also got to go in for a Mother's Night for preschool.

This is what her project said.  What 4 year old says, "she gives me love." ?! I totally teared up.

She showed me her favorite puppies (at the moment) and we played.

She has also become quite the fashionista!! I tell her to nap and this is what she does.  PS I love big bubs in the background.  Just chillin.

So that's all for now but I am making a promise to myself to keep up with blogging! {Like, more than once a month.} I have a million excuses as to why I have not slid my fingers across my keyboard in far too long. I hope that this little break will have refreshed me a bit.  

Stay tuned! 

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