Thursday, June 22, 2017

Thoughts & Confessions

I confess...

I am obsessed with this quote. I really want to finish the book Daring Greatly by Brene Brown (who by the way is the key note speaker at Hoopla in Vegas! SO bummed it's not working out this year, but I am so excited for all of the Stella girls who will get to hear her speak.    I think back to so many times where I felt the need to defend myself or explain for things, and during yesterday's devotional it really spoke to me as well.  There is NO need to explain why you tell someone no.  No need. Simple. End of story!

I confess...

I have not had a Starbucks drink in over 2 weeks!! Considering I was making it an almost daily habit of my Green Tea lattes, I consider this a small victory.  (It's to the point where my kids play "Starbucks" and will go to windows or my kitchen counter and order a green tea latte! I about died when they started doing this.)  These pretty things were floating around social media yesterday so I may have to treat myself to one on our upcoming vacay!

I confess...

I kept myself quite busy listening to books while Joe worked his butt off during his tent sale.  It was my 10th sale with him so I know the drill. No one is going to come and save me, no one lends out a hand to help out with the kids or ask if we need anything.  And ya know what? It's just something I have to learn to deal with.  I can sit and cry "poor me" (which I may have had one night where my girl Nikki talked me off a ledge---thank you mama!!) But the truth is, I'm a strong mama and I've got this.  I try to remind myself that we are living like no one else now, so that we can live like no one else later.

Know what else helped?  This book.  I am obsessed with GC.  I loved his 10x book and think I need to listen again, but this spoke to me in so many ways.  He reminds me of my husband and now Joe loves listening and watching him too.

They say you're the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with, and well other than the kids and Joe, I'd have to say my other "people" are authors.  Speakers. Podcasts.  I don't watch TV and really try to keep my mind right.  If you are looking for inspiration, buy Grant Cardone and listen to him speak the truth.

I confess...

As much as I love my personal development, I also need to turn the thinker brain off a bit.  I started this book awhile back and couldn't get into it.  I picked it up again and plowed through it pretty quickly.  It started out slowly but then took a turn and I was hooked!! One of those, "where the heck is this going?!" books...  I gave it a 3.5 and definitely recommend it if you like those murder mystery types of books.

Since I had no where to be or dress up for, I didn't take many pretty selfies haha! I traded them for sweaty selfies and have been working out almost daily.  It helps me stay sane for sure!!

I have been doing Beachbody On Demand and mostly Shaun T week.  I do Yoga too--pretty much no excuse to not workout with on demand.  Turn on the laptop and press play.

2 weeks of eating well (10 day cleanse) working out, etc. I'm down 6 pounds and I am starting to see leg definition!! I'm pretty pumped.  My little workout helpers aren't very helpful and it can be frustrating, but it's working so yay!

PS The apple watch was a game changer too! I love seeing how many calories I burn and how many steps I take in a's a little addicting and I'm trying to not obsess.

I confess...

I was OVER the moon excited about our sparkle studs in gold.  I can't seem to find either my smokey studs or my regular clear studs, but I did order the new ones yesterday.  $19 and they look real!  I love a good stud in the Summer (especially a less expensive version of a diamond!) beaching it, pools, playgrounds, you name it and I won't worry about losing them.

Our ever popular white Gita tassels are now in black too! So fun.

I confess...

I love it when it's 90+ outside.  We always joke around that I'm a "SummerGirl" since that was my screen name on when I met Joe.  But really, we love the heat and just lounging in the front yard while the kids jump in and out of the kiddie pool.

I confess....

I did get to escape 2 times during the sale.  It's super hard to not have any help with the kids from the moment they get up until the moment they go to bed. I hit up a spa one day for a massage (she worked the sh*t out of my knots--quite painful actually!!) and acupuncture (which to me is more medicinal than just relaxing.) I go monthly for stress/reflux and simply tell her whatever is bugging me.  

Put those oxygen masks on mamas.  We MUST take care of ourselves.

I confess...

I feel like we all have our own paths that we are on.  I struggled for awhile wondering "what my purpose was" or just feeling insecure with what I was choosing to do in life.  I truly feel that the more I stay focused on me, Joe, the kids, our dreams, goals and our future, the easier it is to just be.  I also have dug a little deeper into my faith and see the bigger picture.  I'm not in control of anyone or anything, other than my own mental attitude.

Sometimes people will say that Joe works too hard or that I am too hard on myself.  I used to let that get to me a lot....but I've started to shift my thinking quite a bit and realize what a dis-service it would be if we just stopped. If we just settled for the average and didn't bust our tales out there, what greater good could we provide?

I have started making a list of the charities we want to donate to, the people we want to help, the places we want to travel to with our kids and all of the things that hard working money will be able to provide.

I heard Grant Cardone actually say that being poor is selfish because then you're only taking care of yourself.  You can't help anyone else if you're not able to really take care of yourself.  Wow.

I see a big future ahead of us and know that although we are in a great place in our life, God has so much more in store for us and we have a long way to go.


  1. I love that quote. So very true. Way to go on not having any Starbucks in two weeks. That is great! I need to work on that. I could really go for a massage and acupuncture. Thanks for linking up.

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