Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Farewell Summer

Here we are, start of the school year.  Today our 4.5 year old starts Pre-K.  She's attending the same school she went to last year, just an extra day and a little longer.  Mama wasn't ready to send her off every day quite yet.

She is so full of promise, hope, innocence and love.  She has little fear when it comes to climbing rocks, trees, and other high places.  (She gets that from her Daddy!)

The sky is the limit my sweet girl, and I cannot wait to see you grow, blossom and flourish this year.

This one still gets mama time 24/7, although we have joined the Y and he loves the play area.  He's not quite as adventurous as big sis, but he's getting there.  He's still little.

I am pretty sure he'll miss her a little more than she'll miss him, for a few reasons.  One, she's all he's ever known.  She had 2 years on this earth without a buddy, and he has had her since day one.  Two, she'll be off and learning new things and he'll (sort of) be doing the same daily routine, now adding in the gym time.

Sure they bicker, but the love on one another even more.  Hug Time.

Pre-K Ice cream social....yes, our daughter is the one with a scarf tied around her back.  She is not Brooke when she is wearing it, please call her Meadow.

Cheesy grin.  "Where Brookie go?" was heard quite a bit this night.

August felt a lot like September...lots of pants and fleeces.  We still got outside as much as possible, unless it was storming.

My little buddies helping out as we work. (Again, look at the jackets! Craziness)

They like to pretend they're sleeping in the most random spots.  This is what happens when you turn off TVs and don't let them play on the iPad, phones or computers much.  C-R-E-A-T-I-V-T-Y #balance

His goofy personality is really starting to shine through.

She has begged me to let her drive the tiny carts for a very long time.  They keep them by the checkout area, so this time she remembered to ask as soon as we pulled in and my type A personality took a backseat and I let them be little.

They actually did quite well! I didn't need much, so I didn't grab a large cart, so we filled up theirs.  They made sure to evenly split everything so they both had the same amounts in their carts.

We squeezed in one more family fun day, and hit up Sea Breeze.

The airplane that goes, "up and down and round and round."

Daddy pulled out all the stops from pizza to Dip and Dots and even some fried dough.

I think it's safe to say they had a ball.

I had to distract him so Joe & Brooke could go on the bumper cars (he's not quite tall enough yet) so slushies it was.

I see a future man in these photos and it's crazy.  I just love him at this age!

Summer 2017 was a mix of lots of work and play.   I've mentioned before how I'll always miss the baby stages, but these ages 2-4 are priceless.  Not quite big enough to do everything, but big enough to do and understand most! 

As always the Summer slipped by in a blink of an eye and there will always be more on my bucket list.  It was a cooler and rainy Summer than most, and it makes me think that this Winter will be one for the books.  

Fall is around the corner and back to school is here, another season fleeting by.  My hope is to continue to stop and enjoy these small moments and breathe in all of their goodness.  

1 comment:

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