Thursday, September 21, 2017

Slow and Steady, You'll Make it

I've decided that this will be my motto from now until at least the end of the year.  It's funny, how we push ourselves so incredibly hard sometimes, it takes acts out of our control to s-l-o-w us down.  We all got a pretty bad 'back to school cold.'  OK, well Brooke first had the sniffles and cough, and then Bradley, then me and Joe...but Brooke barely got sick!! I will say she has the strongest immune system of all.  I thought I was getting better, but I think I just told myself that since everyone else was so sick and mama doesn't get sick days.  Well, that backfired and I ended up with a nasty sinus infection.  I'm on day 6 of my 10 day antibiotics (which I loathe taking--cranking up probiotics you bet!) but I feel back up to 90% of my normal kick butt self.  

Sunday I literally rested, slept, and read.  I still did some laundry, made meals and took care of things, but I didn't go crazy.  Why does it take until we literally fall apart and drop, before we will listen sometimes?

It's interesting because amongst the crazy of owning our own businesses, running the house, taking care of the kids, Joe working 60 hours a week, I often find myself feeling robotic.  I know Joe does too.  It's hard because we have big dreams and goals, but sometimes we pick up so momentum we lose sight of what's going on right in front of us.

For me, I get so wound up that I can't even hear that 'still small voice.'  When I can't figure out what to do next, ultimately it leads to me turning into a big old mess.

But that is okay.

I may take a step or two backwards, but the setback is always preparing us for a setup.

I find that books fall into our laps at the perfect time.  The most recent read that has helped me immensely was one that my good friend Lindsay was reading.  It was just what I needed at just the right time.  Sure she talks about how it's easy for us moms to get overwhelmed with housework with kids, but I feel like it can be applicable to all areas of life.

Take one thing each day to do, do it well.

As I sat on our back deck on Sunday and actually read, (I've only been wanting to do this all Summer) this hit me straight smack in the middle of my head, heart, body & soul.

"One step at a time, one day at a time, slow and steady, you'll make it."


Why do we put so much pressure on ourselves to be everything, to everyone, all at once and right away?  That is no way to live my friends.

As soon as I catch myself trying to fly from one task to the next, whether it's changing the laundry from washer to dryer, loading the dishwasher yet again, changing another dirty diaper (I really need to get on the potty training train...but that's another story) or taking calls, returning text messages, fielding all of the requests from my husband, putting food on the table for once again, a meal...

None of it can be done well, if I multi-task and I noticed, especially with this beautiful thing called technology, I am constantly bombarded with tasks and 'urgent items' that need to be attended to 24/7.

So, I have decided to stop, for the most part.

If the dryer beeps but I'm doing dishes, I will finish the dishes.

If the phone rings and I'm literally helping my child eat his dinner, that caller can wait (or call back if it's an emergency.)

All of these interruptions lead to nothing truly getting accomplished and me feeling like crap.

When I actually complete something, it feels so good. Otherwise I just feel like I am losing my mind.

And when your body is begging you to rest?


Like this book said, there is a huge difference between being lazy and being tired.  I've always said when you've pushed yourself too hard, too much, it will almost be too late and you'll have no choice but to put your feet up and heal.  If you're just binge watching Netflix shows every night just because...maybe you could be doing something more important and fulfilling in your life.

Hubby brought me home flowers, and it was just a simple and sweet reminder of how important it is to stop and focus on what makes you smile.  

So if you were like me and the rest of the house looked like a bomb went off, but you have one room that is mostly clean, (aka no one will die tripping on a toddler toy left on the ground) do this.

Light a scented candle.
Buy some flowers.
Sit with a cup of tea (or coffee)
And be.

Happy Thursday friends.


  1. Beautiful post and a great reminder!

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