Monday, June 25, 2012

Baby Bean Love

I have been waiting two loooong months to share this;
my husband Joe and I are so very excited to be expecting our first child
ETA January 4, 2013.
Some of you may follow me on instagram, where I shared a picture Friday.
Some of you may have guessed from my lack of blogging or hints from posts like,
"Going Natural" or maybe you follow via Pinterest and saw that I have been pinning
baby stuff like crazy!
Either way, we had our 12 week ultrasound and heard our baby's heartbeat,
and I am so thrilled to be able to share this news with you!!
To back track a bit...
It was end of April and I was all about my little sister's bachelorette...
Literally, I spent over a hundred in alcohol and was fully prepared to get down and par-tay
{I actually said us Bliss girls were going H.A.M.}
However, I only went as hard as peeing on a stick, and seeing this meaningful word:
Ok, so I had to do two because hubs was shocked and wanted to make sure...
It was two days before my sister's bachelorette party and something inside me said, just take one and see...
Better to be safe than sorry...
The bottle of Santa Margherita, that I may or may not have kissed, because I was so excited to break it open...before I found out, {Hey, I figured I was busting my booty with my sister's party, I deserved some vine vino!} was pulled from my fridge and placed onto my shoe-wine holder, and now patiently awaits for me to celebrate the new year & baby! 
Now, those of you who know me, know we have been trying since September 2010.
To be honest, I didn't expect it to happen that month.
In fact, I stopped 'counting days' like a crazy person,
went to acupuncture only for stress relief,
and was working out/eating healthy...losing some pounds for the big cruise...
So when I took that test, it was more than a delightful surprise! 
I had it in my head that after we returned from the cruise, we'd have to start seeing infertility specialists etc. 
However, it happened, the old fashioned way...
and I am so, so, SO, happy!
Now, of course everyone said, "I told you, when you stop thinking about it, it will happen."
But, those of you who have been in my shoes, know that is no easy task.
Every where you look, you see pregnant women and babies.
So I know that it can be frustrating and not easy.
My advice? Plan a party/parties for someone!!
Seriously, all I thought about was the bridal shower and bachelorette party...
 and bam along came baby!!
Here's his/her first photo shoot!
 :::Waving at us:::

Everything measured perfectly and I was indeed right on the dot with being 12 weeks last Friday.
The first trimester was a bit rough...
being on the cruise didn't help much.
I never threw up, but I was nauseous
I wasn't cooking for awhile because the smell of everything made me feel sick!
I started taking pre-natal vitamins right before bed, and that seemed to help!
I hated all veggies, chicken, meat, eggs, bacon, basically food.
I was living on yogurt and carbs.
Luckily, my appetite has returned and I have been feeling fabulous these last few weeks.
I think the best advice I've been given is to listen to my body.
If I'm hungry, I eat.
Tired? Sleep.
For workouts, I have slowed it down, no Jillian Michaels...
I walk the dogs, do yoga, and some weights.
I am starting to show a bit...
a few weeks ago my step-mom and I went shopping and I bought some maternity clothes:
 and they had a fake lumpy bump:
This was last Thursday:
Clearly, more so when I wear tight-fitted clothing as opposed to lose flowy dresses.
I couldn't think of a more perfect timing!
I won't be so huge and uncomfortable, especially since this summer seems to be hot hot hot!
I will be pleasantly round by the fall, yummmmm---donuts!
And when I am a huge, I can snuggle in by the fire with a good book and wait for baby!
I should probably start shopping for Christmas now, otherwise December is going to be cray cray!
Ok, enough with the exclamations...but I am so excited.
We find out boy or girl August 14th, what do you think baby Bean will be??
I love advice from other mommies, so anything you feel like sharing, send it my way!
Yay for Baby New Year


  1. YAY!!!!!!! You are due ONE week after me!!!!! So exciting!!!! Can't wait to follow your journey!!!!!! Congrats to you and your hubby!!! I'm due December 30th!

  2. Yay yay yay! Soooo excited for you! You're so cute!!!

  3. what?? this is amazing news!! so happy for you two! yippee!

  4. YAY!!! Super excited for you and even more excited that you can share the news now! ;) You are looking great and so glad you are feeling better. Love that little bump you got! I am going with GIRL!! Come on August!! xoxo

  5. CONGRATS! So excited for you :-)

  6. Congratulations! Infertility is a bitch and I'm so glad you guys were able to finally conceive on your own, even if it was almost 2 years later than you would have liked! What happened to us was not a party we were planning, but the Olympics in London! We never imagined it would happen as we were at 18 months of TTC but sure will arrive just after Olympics are over. Well laid plans, right?

  7. Congrats!!!! Such an exciting time for you guys!! I am glad it has all worked out!!

  8. SHUT THE FRONT DOOR!! omg! i'm soooo happy for you!! congrats sweet girl!!!! you'll be an amazing momma!!!


  10. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's so exciting!! Congratulations! I am so, so, so happy for you!! You're going to be a great Momma Bear!

  11. We are sooooooo happy for you and Joe! You will be fantastic parents!! I love you!!! xoxoxo

  12. We are sooooooo happy for you and Joe! You will be fantastic parents! I love you xoxoxoxo

  13. Oh my gosh! I'm SO happy for you! What a wonderful surprise. :) Congratulations!

  14. Congrats again! You look amazing! My only advice...sleep while you can (not that I know anything about babies but its what I hear from everyone).


  15. Yipeee!! How exciting! Ok you made my baby fever sky rocket just a tad bit. Blog land is full of mommies to be! Exciting!

  16. So exciting,Congratulations!!! :)

  17. YAY I'm sooooooo happy for you both and excited.

    You need a blog friend shower stat.


  18. I think Tabitha is right, you def need us to host a blog baby shower for you! I think its a girl:) You are carrying kinda high. I know you are excited to finally be able to tell everyone! MUAH!!!

  19. Ahhh! Congratulations to you and Joe!! I literally squealed out loud when I saw this and yelled "Jenn is pregnant!" Hubby who is sitting beside me was like "Who's Jenn?" haha. I am sooo excited for you, girl!

  20. So exciting! Congrats!!

    I vote girl!

  21. Yay, congratulations!!! I'm 2 weeks behind you :)

  22. CONGRATULATIONS! this is such amazing news and I'm so happy for you! You're going to be an amazing mom! And I have a feeling you'll be making all your baby food from scratch :)

  23. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATS, CONGRATS, CONGRATS Jenn!!! I am so stinkin pumped for you! You are going to make THE most adorable preggo ever! I bet it was way tough keeping that a secret, huh? ;) YAY!!!

  24. Congratulations!! This is such wonderful news!! :)

  25. Eeeeek!!! I KNEW IT! ;) I'm so excited for you all! Congratulations!!

  26. Congratulations again, Jen! :) Gosh seriously so exciting!!!! I think Baby Bean needs the Pride & Prejudice counting book for future lit-loving bebes!! Barnes and Noble sells it! ;)


I'd love to hear from you. Each & every comment is so very much appreciated!! :)