Tuesday, June 26, 2012

New Deck Reveal!!

First of all, thank you all so much for the love from yesterday's post!
Clearly life has been a bit busy and full of new and exciting things...and we are ready for them all!
Before we knew we were expecting, we started the daunting task of fixing up our deck.
We knew it'd be costly and would take some time, but we are so glad we did it!
We started it back in March {I pinned about my dream decks here}
and now in June, it is finally complete!!
I am somewhat embarrassed to show how awful it looked before,
but I am so proud of what we've turned it into!
Here are the 'before' shots.
Keep in mind, the hot tub had NEVER worked in the last 4 1/2 years I have been here!
Goodness knows, when this house was a bachelor pad it worked...
and I'll leave it at that.
I had no desire to get it working again!!
I have wanted this eye sore outta my sight since I have moved in!!
Some before pictures...
Do you see how the dog sat on this over-sized picnic table?
We gave that to my in-laws who have lots of land out in the country,
and it will be much more useful out there!!
It was awful.
We never sat out there...
Whoever designed this old deck is nuts.
So unsafe--no railing, different steps here and there, odd shapes...
The whole thing was just bad, bad, bad.
There's that disgusting hot tub!
And it's outtt!
Work in progress...

There were three guys and they worked so hard.
We even had custom gates built to keep the dogs in.
Little did we know, it'd be handy for baby bean who was already on his/her way!
Hubs picked out a paint color and I was supposed to paint the spindles...
However, by that point, we found out painting was one task I could no longer do!
Here are some side by sides shots...
 Just a little bit of a difference
And we finalized our deck on Friday with the purchases of a few patio sets...
This one is from Lowes

So comfy.
We decided to splurge on comfort, 
{and we have both already fallen asleep on them!!}
for the lounge furniture.

And for our dining set, we scored a deal at Kmart.
We got this set 7 pc set for $300--and saved over $300 on it!!
We had friends over Saturday night, so we grilled...
and I got to decorate!
 Martini Lights
Even Sadie seems pretty content...
We are so happy to have this brand new "room" for our house!
It's nice because our trees cover most of the deck, so we don't need an umbrella.
The bugs do attack at night, so we're still working on that issue...any tips?
We have a few citronella candles (need more)
and some tiki torches (more of those?)
I cannot wait until next summer when we have a six month old to play with out there!
For now, I will sip my sparkling water out of a wine glass, with a splash of cranberry,
and enjoy the peace and quiet...and relax.


  1. Looks awesome!!! Oh I am so jealous! I can't wait for ours to be done. Love the furniture too!!

  2. Wow! It looks great! And it's so nice to have all those trees around! Not sure if y'all have problems with flies during the day but the smell of lavender keeps them away. So that's nice when there is food around.

  3. WOW! what a fantastic makeover!! I love the layout of the deck and everything.. looks great!

  4. i love it!! it looks GREAT!!:)

  5. Beautiful, love it and when am I coming over? :)


  6. I was thinking of trying out those bug zapper lanterns? They have some at BBB!

  7. I was thinking of trying those bug zapper lanterns at BBB

  8. Holy cow! It's gorgeous! I really love the furniture, too! Great colors!

  9. The new deck looks great!!!

  10. Love, love, love! The perfect outdoor space. Job well done! And I love the little gate for baby bean :)

  11. Wow! What a transformation! It looks absolutely fantastic, Jen!!! And it looks like you guy have already been enjoying it plenty!

  12. Very nice (and I'm so jealous!). That old deck looked so disgusting. You did a great job and I completely agree with splurging on comfort.

  13. Love the color of your deck! And it really does look good as it matches the sidings of your home. And it’s quite large, it really is like you acquired a whole new room for the house! As for the bug problems, if you want to go green about it, I would suggest getting plants that act as natural insect repellants. But those electronic bug zappers work too.


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