Thursday, August 23, 2012

What I'm OK with Today

Woooo It's already Thursday!!
Its Ok Thursdays
Just a few rando thoughts crossing my mind this beautiful morning...
  • My new fall pedi. I'm ready for the cooler weather!
 We'll Always have Paris.  
Le sigh. 
And yes, we will, as well as Rome, Amsterdam...
  • That I'm mostly ready so I can switch up my wardrobe since I am getting a tad bored with tanks & panel shorts! I cannot wait to wear more scarves & cardis...and boots 
  • But I also cannot wait for Pumpkin Spice Lattes--I heard September 4th they return?!
  • I'm counting down the days until I can decorate for fall {hubs isn't ready yet!}
 A few new Jo-Ann's purchases 40%!
  • To have made comfort food a lot this week; ie: Linguine w/ clam sauce, Pot Roast, Ribs -recipe
  • To send good luck and positive thoughts to my sister on her knee surgery today
  • That I may have bought a few or quite a few clothes for my baby girl this week!
  • To not find it weird that I'm so excited to wash her clothes & fold them up!! 
  • That I can't believe we're already halfway there to meeting little baby Brooke!
  • I've never been so excited to pick out carpeting, paint colors, & such.
  • To be researching a mini weekend babymoon, since our original plans didn't work out...ideas?
  • That I'm NOT down with the high temps again this weekend; boo!
  • To be hungry all.the.time. 
  • To hope we get to go out on a date night again soon!
  • That I think Joe & I should switch sides of the bed so I have easier access to la toilet
  • To hope that baby girl gets used to Holly barking at everything walking by outside!
  • I am loving these tasty bagels right now--
  • To wonder why my neighbor across the street has a garage sale on a Thursday? She did it a month ago too...not like a Thurs-Sun or even Thursday & Friday. Just one day...seems odd.
  • To wonder why I even care?!
  • That I keep thinking of things to write so I don't have to go clean up breakfast dishes, unload the dishwasher, do the floors, start laundry, make the bed, get lunch ready...#procrastinator
  • To want to see this movie, but worry it may be too silly stupid to waste money on in a theater?

What are you OK with today?!


  1. Just came across your blog!

    new follower!
    look forward to continue reading.


  2. I love comfort food! Those bagels sound good, I'm going to have to pick some up. Sending your sister good surgery vibes!

  3. I love this post!! Love your nail polish, do you remember the name? You cracked me up about your neighbors yard sale, haha. Have a great day!!

  4. I am definitely getting wicked my nails this weekend. I'm so ready for fall.

  5. Love your fall pedi! I am in desperate need of one myself.

    I cannot wait for autumn to arrive!! I've already plugged in a pumpkin spice plug-in from Yankee Candle and put out the Bath and Body Works Pumpkin soap... Now Starbucks needs to start making PSLs again! :) I hope September 4th is the day...that's not too far away!

    And I laughed out loud about your neighbor's Thursday yard sale. Especially the "To wonder why I even care?!" comment

  6. Love your toes!! I loved washing all the baby clothes and folding them up so tiny and putting them in drawers!! I am ready for fall clothes, too!!

  7. Love the color of your pedi. And the name of the polish too.

    And OMG don't even get me started with the dog barking! Bella does it constantly, I can't take it. I've never even considered her barking in the future when there are babies around. If you come up with a resolution please do share haha.

  8. obsessedddddd with that toe color!

    Have a great day! Stop by and say hello! :)


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