Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Spring {pin} Fashion

Happy Hump Day!

I am so excited to be playing around with some of the spring fashion trends. I am not excited about this snow still falling though!!  I loved my chevron dress I wore for Easter {here} and the colors couldn't be more springy!

I just bought a Chambray top finally since I was holding out until I gave birth.  I wasn't too sure how long this trend would stay, but I'm so happy that it did! Now some cute ways to wear it::

I need some leather jeggings...

Love this maxi/coral combo

Pretty {simple} white accents.
Source: via Jenn on Pinterest

I cannot wait for white pants!

Romantic with pink frilly.

Denim on denim.
Is that like racks on racks on racks?

I still love my denim jacket....I'd love to try:

Copped jean jacket with white pants and brown accents.
Source: via Jenn on Pinterest

White dress....presh!
Source: via Jenn on Pinterest

Pastel pants.  Where does one {big booty hoe} find these awesome pants??

Lovely layers.

Yellow crush.

And of course, like most well dressed ladies, I have coral on my mind.

Love these!

So while I'm still workin on my fitness, you can stop with the snow mother nature. I'm ready for the weather to break!!


  1. You have GREAT taste! Love all your picks!! And I agree demin on demin NO! :)

  2. I want to wear everything!

    The weather obviously did not get the memo that it's Spring. It actually snowed yesterday and today. So not cool.

  3. I LOVE the outfit with the white pants and brown accents. My denim jacket is my BFF! You can wear it with literally almost anything. I love being pregnant but one thing I cannot WAIT to do is shop for NORMAL non-maternity clothes again!

  4. lol love your commentary ;) you let me know if you find those yellow pants!

  5. I love wearing white in the summertime. It's just so airy and fresh!


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