Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Brooke is 4 months!

 It's May and that means my little girl is already FOUR months old.  We had a few trying weeks there, and I was so unsure as to what the deal was!!  I believe we found the solution, and I am so happy and thankful to say we have our happy baby back.  The issue?  Baby girl was hungry.  And no matter how much nursing I was doing {cue every 3 hours for 24 hours a day} the crying kept-a-comin.

My dear Brooke Lynn,
  I never imagined myself breaking into tears over having to decide whether or not Rice Cereal at 4 months was a good idea.  I had it in my purrdy little head that I would exclusively breastfeed you for 6 full months.  After that, I had high hopes of making my own organic baby food and do all of my 'research' behind what foods to try first {veggies of course, because fruits are sweet and I know you'll love those.}  Well, after your four month Dr's visit, talking with the nurse and the Doctor, I decided giving you a little cereal may not be a bad mom gave it to me when I was really young and said how well I did with it. I know your father was a big baby and loved his food too!

Speaking of, seriously....could you look any more alike?!?
Brooke: 4 months Daddy: 6 months

4 months
16 lbs 3 oz 88th percentile
26 1/4 inches long 99th percentile

Dr. said you're doing a few "6 month" things such as grabbing your feet
And you bring your hands around in front, as if you're ready to pass a toy from left to right hand...

Still in 6 months clothing--onesies, pants, most dresses
9 months sleepers
Size 3 diapers
Your eyes are still really blue!!
As I talked with the doctor, she applauded my hopes and dreams of exclusively breastfeeding, but she also said as babies near the 20 pound mark, sometimes they just need a little more.  She said it was totally normal, and even though I have read and was nervous about rice cereal, I figured it would be worth a try.

Why was I so nervous?  Well for starter's, your father's Crohn's is the main concern.  Sometimes little digestive systems aren't quite ready for solids and if they begin too soon, it could potentially cause harm.  Once I read a little more on this debate, I realized that there were parents starting to give their babies solids at just a few weeks old...and that if she's going to "get Crohn's" perhaps it's already per-determined. 

Now, if it's one thing I have learned as a mother, it is do not judge.  Every baby is different, every parent is different, situations are different and you just cannot compare one thing to another.  I've also learned to rely on my intuition and lean on people who care about me and my daughter and can support us and our decisions.  There is nothing worse than being judged by someone else, when you thought they had your back.

So, after talking with your daddy, who is certainly my better half, we decided you, big girl, were ready for this next step.  And a week later?  I have a sleeping, happy, cooing, talking, babbling, bubbly baby whom I continue to fall more and more in love with every day!!

 This last month was huge for me, for us.  I feel as though I'm heading in the right direction with my health and well-being.  I think part of my tear fest over the cereal was that I was being very hard on myself about losing weight and still trying to nurse.  I thought maybe if I just ate 24/7 and stopped being so active I could continue to breastfeed; but after many talks with good friends, family and my sweet husband, everyone basically said the same thing; happy mama = happy baby...and everything else falls into play.

I am so much happier now that the pounds are starting to shed, my legs, arms, and core are becoming stronger and I just love feeling good about myself.   You also think it's quite the comedy show, watching me do my silly workouts with the dumbbells and exercise ball.

I am still nursing pretty well and we're working on a flexible routine...I still let you lead the way:

4/5:00am wakes, change, nurse--back to sleep
8/9:00 wakes, change, nurse--nap
11-2 usually play time, tummy time, walks in the stroller, or we run our errands/appointments
Some time in there we have a bottle with a little cereal
By 3 she can easily be down for a nap again...
Late afternoon we try some 'solid foods': So far she had avocado & peaches
We play, she rolls over, she loves her excersaucer...
Pending on her nap length she may take a quick snooze around 5
7-8 is bath time, tummy time, reading books, singing songs and a bottle with cereal.

You're usually asleep by 8:30 and will sleep until 4 or 5.

 During your naps, I have gotten better at being SUPER productive.  I try and get some cardio in, clean, and even write a blog post or two!  I will admit though, there are some days I still nap with you, even if it's just a short 20 minutes.

I am trying to be good about pumping; some days are easier than others.  I still love nursing and prefer it to a bottle, but like I've said, she is doing so well with the extra bit of cereal.  I had quite the freezer stash of milk, and sadly I am going through it very quickly.  I seem to be able to store one bag a day from pumping, but some days I pull two bags from the freezer.   I did buy some organic formula to have on hand as I continue on this journey; when we are away I don't want to run out of milk or have something happen.  And you know what? I'm totally okay with all of these decisions.  I'm doing my very best as a mother and I have absolutely no regrets about any choices we are making.

So baby girl, you continue to teach me to just go with the flow, not be so uptight and realize that you just can't control it all.  {Like trying to conceive you; you happened when I least expected!}  I love being your mommy and wouldn't change it for the world. I'm so happy to be able to stay home with you each and every day.  Every day we grow closer and closer and I cannot believe how much a bond can truly grow between mother and daughter.  I may or may not have cried while rocking you to sleep after taking your 4 month photos that night.  I just can't believe how quickly time goes by.

Current loves:
Raspberries on your belly or just making the noise with my lips
Itsy Bitsy Spider gets you super excited
Sitting up {assisted}
Playing in your excersaucer 
Bath time--you now smile in there!
Rolling over
Screeching and yelling "ahhhh ahhhh ahhhh ahhhh"
Stuffed animals and toys, you just adore the bear Daddy bought you for Christmas!

I think you two are already the best of friends
Great Grandma Owl embroidered that Lovie for you!
 And some more photos because I could not just stop taking them! Look at these non-blurry smiles!

Sooooo big!

 Pretty Girl

omagosh mom, enough already!!
I look forward to what next month brings baby girl; I love you!!


  1. Don't stress or feel guilty! Nothing ever really goes exactly as planned. It takes trial and error to find out what's best for EACH baby! and Mommy too!

  2. dying over all these pics! and that one of Joe next to her?! she's a mini him right now! that's so crazy! and i'm so glad you girls are figuring it all out just fine! and hey now more mama drinking time?!

  3. Oh my gosh, I'm dying over that side by side pic of Brooke and papa. Too adorable! She is so dang cute!! Happy 4 months, Brooke!

  4. I love all the bows/hat changes. Something I'd do. ;)


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