Monday, May 13, 2013

My First Mother's Day: As a Mom

My first mother's Day as a mother was beautiful.  I woke up to an eerily quiet house around 7:45, checked the monitor and saw that baby girl was not in her crib, I simply assumed Joe had taken her downstairs to play while I got a little more sleep....

I was wrong!! A little after 8, they both came in the bedroom and surprised me with a yummy Panera breakfast sandwich and Starbucks coffee in bed.  What more could a mama want first thing??
{no picture, but I assure you, I thoroughly enjoyed both!} They went on a small little joy ride and came back with goodies for me.  So sweet.

Brooke even picked out and gave me my first card as well as writing "Mom" {I died} one from hubby...
"Sleep" was of course the answer!
She then gave me the gift of sleeping while I got a nice, long, hot shower in, makeup, clothes ironed and hair blown-dry before she stirred!! I actually had to wake her, as we had places to go and people to see.

I also got two matching hanging planters for us to enjoy all summer long on our back deck.  I am so ready for the weather to warm back up again!

I did make sure to get a few photos of my beautiful baby girl and I.  I kept hugging and kissing her all day, thinking that she is the reason I got to celebrate Mother's Day. What a beautiful, beautiful thing.

 My little lady

Some family time after our brunch...

We headed out to my dad and step-mom's for an early afternoon brunch full of mimosas and quiche.  It was nice to gather for a little while and see everyone.  It's nice to have so many amazing women in my life to celebrate this loving day with.  And of course, we cherish the men in our lives who continue to support us in all of life's endeavors.

We also stopped by my in-laws and saw them for a bit.  My mother in law was in the middle of making Chicken French and gave us some to take home---that will be eaten tonight, for sure! Thanks Mama D!  We wished her a happy day and shared some of miss Brooke with her.   People just can't get enough of her cuteness!

I wish we could have completed the 'rounds' down to Charleston, SC to visit my mom, but within a month she will be here and we'll celebrate for that I am sure.

Totally random, but I remember that 6 years ago on Mother's Day I made a "Match account" with my sister.  If it wasn't for that fateful day, I would have never met my husband months later!! How funny.

For dinner hubs decided upon pan-seared scallops, lobster tails and a side salad.  I didn't resist.

Needless to say, the elliptical and my Shakeology "Biggest Loser" contest couldn't come at a better time.

More on that later...

As for yesterday, I counted my blessings and teared up many a time, as I reflected on what 'being a mother' truly means to me.  I want to be my daughter's friend, but I will always be her parent first.  I know there will be trying moments of our days, but the reward is so great in the end.  She's only four months old, and she has taught me a love that is pure and deep.  I look back and see how little I truly worried about before she was born, and how much I hope to protect her throughout her years.  I could have sat and rocked her all night, as I know all too soon she'll not be needing me as so.  It is in these quiet moments, I silently thank God for all the rights in my world and focus on nothing but peace.  Even the 3am cry for me to nurse, makes me smile as she spits out her pacifier and starts babbling about as if it were 3 in the afternoon.  It is these moments I cherish, these moments I will miss.  She won't be a baby forever, but my daughter, she will always be.

I hope your day was just as love-filled as mine.  I look forward to macaroni necklaces and homemade cards, but for now I cherish the baby moments, as I know they won't last for long.


  1. Aw this is so sweet. You look glowing as a mother! I can't wait to hear about your diet plans you mentioned regarding those shakes?!

  2. I'm so happy you had a wonderful first mother's day! I think it's adorbs that Joe calls you this house I'm "Button"


  3. Happy Mother's Day Jenn! Being a a Mommy is such a beautiful thing, and I promise it only gets better from here. I promise you'll DIE when you get your first homemade card. They always bring tears to my eyes every single year. Let me know how you like the Shakeolgy shakes!

  4. Looks like a wonderful first Mother's Day as a new momma <3

  5. Happy 1st Mother's day! Looks like it was very nice.

  6. Looks like you had a beautiful first Mother's Day!!

  7. Happy First Mother's Day! I just read your post and it made me cry! Being pregnant with our baby girl it is sad thinking about how fast time goes by and you truly have to cherish every moment. I really look up to you as a mother and I am glad your first Mother's day with your family was wonderful!

  8. Thank you for sharing this beautiful story! I truly enjoyed reading it and I am very happy for you. I know there will be more of moments like this to come and you will feel true happiness again. I love your post and really enjoyed it. Thank you so much for a very good read! :)

  9. Thank you for sharing this beautiful story! I truly enjoyed reading it and I am very happy for you. I know there will be more of moments like this to come and you will feel true happiness again. I love your post and really enjoyed it. Thank you so much for a very good read! :)

  10. Happy 1st Mother's Day! Looks like you had a fantastic day! SO much love!


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