Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Herbal Cleanse Group Challenge

Good morning!  I hope you're all feeling alive and well today.

 After realizing how much attention the AdvoCare Cleanse is getting, I decided that it'd be fun to make a small "group challenge" out of it.  What does that mean?  Well, it means that you've already made the choice to become a bit healthier and decided to cleanse.  When purchasing your cleanse through AdvoCare, what some people don't realize, is that you're also getting a coach.  This is where I get to help you achieve your goals, be there for you at any step of the way, and truly provide you with the guidance you're looking for.  I provide you with meal planning ideas, clean eating guides, and I'm right at your fingertips through text messaging support (or a phone call!) And if I can't answer something for you, I will find the answer from someone else!

I did the entire 24 Day Challenge and cannot wait to do it again!  I had some awesome results (10 lbs & 12 inches, that's 2 pant sizes!) You can read about some of my journey here.

With that said, I thought since a few people are cleansing around the same time, I thought it'd be fun to create a small group.  I will have two "winners" (even though you're already a winner if you're aiming for better health!!)  

Winner #1 =  person who loses the most weight [in pounds]

Winner #2 = person who loses the most inches.

[Yes, the same person could potentially be both winners!]

You see, pounds aren't everything! They matter, yes, but inches really speak for themselves.

What will you win?  

Both winners will receive some AdvoCare goodies!!


1.) Order an AdvoCare cleanse from me
2.) Must tell me your start date [must be on/before September 23, 2013]
3.) Provide a picture of your feet on the scale (I won't show anyone, I promise) and provide me with your starting inches. 
4.)  On Day 11 I will need your results--how much you weigh and your finishing inches.
5.) Must be a US mailing address.

Additional Info:

For best results, we suggest when ordering the Cleanse, you also order the following:

Spark {replace that coffee habit, you can do it for 10 days, I did for 24!!}

This will maximize your ability to lose unwanted pounds and clean out your system!

If money is a concern, just ask for details on how to become a member and EASILY save 20%!!

Also, food for thought...

You won't be buying any of that while cleansing!! My grocery bill actually went down.  Crazy.

Once you've started your cleanse, I am here to provide you with extra support when you choose to continue on AdvoCare products.  Trust me, you will fall in love with these products.  I wouldn't stand behind them, if I didn't truly believe in them. The MNS is fantastic and will further your weight loss goal and help you feel your best!

*As always, please check with your Dr before ordering.

**You cannot be nursing or pregnant to cleanse.  When we cleanse, our bodies release toxins and we don't want baby to receive any of those toxins!! If you're interested in a challenge, but are pregnant or nursing, please see my girl Rachel who's currently nursing her baby girl and getting ready to do the Nursing Mom's Challenge!!  Cher her link out HERE


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  5. Thank you for sharing this, I was about to follow mucous cleanser for 10 day cleanse, found your scheduale very useful. Now I can make a chart and start it today only

    Thank you once again


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