Monday, September 23, 2013

Workin Hard for the Money

So, as you know, I've been quite busy 'round these parts!  My mother just left after a wonderful visit.  We had my niece here for a few days, so it was rather eventful.  I've been doing my thing, cleaning, doing laundry, shopping, cooking, taking care of baby, & hubby.  Oh, and I've been making some money!!  I never thought I'd be able to contribute to our family's income while staying home.  I always wished I was super crafty and talented  could open up a cute online boutique, but really I'm not that talented in the sewing department.  Now my mother-in-law on the other hand...she is amazing with the sewing machine!

Anyway, as my waistline continues to shrink, the amount I'm making from AdvoCare, is really starting to quickly add up! I have to laugh at myself when I originally started talking to my team, Danielle & Nikki on the phone I told them that we didn't really "need the money".  It was true; we are fortunate enough that Joe's salary could afford me to stay home.   But truth? Who doesn't need more money?? There is always something that will need money.  It may not be now, but what about when we're really old and retired ad Social Security is all gone??  I didn't think I'd care if I made a cent again for awhile, but gosh, it feels so darn good cashing a paycheck again!!

I'm not sure where we go wrong in our society making it seem like money is 'the root of all evil.'  We all need to earn a living to live!  Without an income, how will we pay our for our homes?  Buy good, healthy, nutritious foods, and take care of our bodies?  How will we afford a dream family vacation to Disney World one day?  There is nothing bad about having money.  People who have it, work really hard for it.  They are successful because they make sacrifices while others are making different choices.  What do you really want overall, vs what do you want right now?  Put that into your mindset and let that soak in a bit...You may not always reap the benefits of being a hard worker immediately, but you will see great rewards.

And the best part? This doesn't even feel like "work," to me either. I literally get to talk to friends and awesome people on the phone.  I get to help others reach their goals; I help as much as they'll allow!  I LOVE LOVE LOVE helping people.  I really missed that aspect of teaching, and I really am a people person. Now, I'm not saying money is the most important thing in life, {because it's not} but, you know what I'm super excited about?  Buying Joe a Christmas present with money that I made.  I may even start getting my nails done again, and putting away even more money for Brooke's college fund.

Know what else I'll treat myself to?  A new phone!  Mine has been acting up ever since lil miss drooled and slobbered in it and the volume doesn't always work.  That's kind of important, as my "work" involves phone calls and text messages!!  I ordered the gold I-phone 5s.  I don't care if Tosh.O makes dumb jokes about it. I really like the look of it, and I love testing my patience.  So many people couldn't wait to just have the new phone, they wouldn't hold out for the gold.

So, with that said, I'll also need a new cover.  I'm notorious for dropping my phone. Like all of the time. Unless it has the rubbery cover, I will most likely ruin said overly ridiculous expensive phone, and cry.  A LOT.   I loved my last Kate Spade rubbery cover.  I would throw in the dishwasher to sanitize it once a week!!

So, my question is, does this beauty have the much needed rubber-texture so my slippery hands don't cause a catastrophe??

Or can I perhaps trust my (32 year old) self, with one of these cuties?

Or maybe I should protect the crap out of it, and spring for one of these bulky Otterboxes.   I know they work. My father left his Iphone 5 on the back of a vehicle.  It fell off in front of a McDonald's.  It had to have been run over at least 3-5 times.  Somehow, someway, a random stranger found the phone and called my step-mom's phone.   My dad's otterbox? Totally cracked and useless.  His phone? Pretty much unscathed. Crazy!

So with a little extra cash flow {$500-1000 or more a month} what would you do with it? 

*Sorry if Donna Summers is now stuck in your head too, as it has been in mine throughout this entire post!


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