Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Wednesday Randoms

I really need to get better at organizing! I want to be better about blogging consistently {and having topics that are fun to blog about!} I'm inspired by this awesome mama Leah who shared this organizer yesterday. I think I may run to the store and get some filing systems (for our office) and a binder to get my life better organized! I also need to stay on top of all the AdvoCare stuff. Phew! Oh, and fit in workouts since I have been slacking on those, and meal planning...I definitely need to continue to work on time management. 

I have also been working hard on not being stressed.  No matter how hard I try, it always seems to creep right into things.  I don't share everything on my blog; it's impossible to!  I also try to keep it upbeat and positive, as I know I don't like reading other negative nancies, so why would I want to instill that here in my personal place?  However, I struggle with things, just like everyone else.  I'm not perfect, but I'm very happy with my life.  I always try to do the right things, but quite frankly I am D-O-N-E trying to make everyone else happy.  It never works. Someone is always upset.  I can only do so much. {refer to last ranting post here}

Without going into too much detail, it's family drama [again].  To the point where hubs and I had a work thing, they paid for us to stay at a fancy hotel, dinner, and a spa treatment and I was so terribly stressed that I had to leave Brooke and about the situation, it was honestly hard to enjoy myself.  That sucks.

I tried to make the best of it, because how often do I get served room service w/ breakfast in bed?

I will say that the Transformational Facial certainly helped de-stress a little bit. And I wore my cute new shirt.

But it was not as "wonderful" as I had hoped, because of certain issues that never seem to go away.  So for now? I'll be focusing on my little family.  Brooke brings me so much joy, that I just have to let go of things that are out of my control.

I mean seriously, look at her:

My grandma, whom I called "Grandma Owl" (she loves owls and always had them all over her home!) Made these adorable little owls/duck light for Brooke.  I am hoping she gets to meet her at some point, but it's tricky because she's down in SC!  Thank you so much for these grandma, Brooke loves them!!

Last night hubby, Brooke and I had a date night. We went to Carraba's and then Buy Buy Baby. Crazy, I know!  We picked up her toddler rails for her bed, which I have a feeling she'll be needing sooner than later.

I put a mini skirt on her (18months) and girlfriend has long long stems.  It was too short!

So I put some leggings on since it was chilly anyway. 

I hope you have a great day!!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I hate you're experiencing more drama, but I'm so glad that you have Brooke to keep you grounded.

  3. I hear you! I'm trying to stay organized but sometimes it doesn't feel I can! But we can do it!!

    Brooke is so cute!! :)

  4. Um, where did you get that top??? It's adorable!! I was just telling B the other day that we might need to put E in a toddler bed sooner than later.....homegirl is a climber.

    Hope your family drama subsides, sending good thoughts your way, friend!

  5. Lil Brooke is so cute! You're learning a lesson that I learned a long time ago. Just do what is right for you and your sweet family! *hugs*

  6. Oh I love Brooke! She is SO sweet!!
    I'm so sorry about the family stresses :( That truly is the worst and so hard to leave on the back burner. Ugh!
    But a facial? That sounds wonderful right now!!

  7. :( cheer up buttercup! 1. i love your top and how relaxed you look after your facial 2. brooke is so sweet in her lil miniskirt! dad's in trouble!! :) xoxo

  8. I am sorry about the stress and family drama, Jenn. That's always so tiresome and wearing! :( I have a problem with worrying. If there isn't already something to feel anxious about, I'll find something to lose sleep over. It's awful.

    That breakfast in bed looks divine, and I love your new top!

    Also- could Brook be any cuter?! Eeeesh! So precious!


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