Monday, October 14, 2013

Enjoying October: Pies!

I think it's safe to say, lil miss is enjoying her first Fall just fine!! We are soaking up as much of Autumn as possible.  We love taking our walks; they've been on the warm side {fine by me!} but sometimes we bundle up a bit if it's cooler.  The leaves are really turning colors and falling so it's a nice change of scenery!

We've been visiting Daddy up at his Tent Sale---he's working his crazy long hours again, but it's almost over soon. 

We had a little play date Saturday with Blake and his mommy.  We met at Panera for lunch, visited our men at the sale, and hung out at home.  It's been too quiet and too clean without Daddy around. We miss him!

Yesterday I was feeling a little "sorry for myself" [I believe I said, "Pity Party for One"] and my husband laughed at me.  I am a pretty emotionally high maintenance person, and reeeeeeeeeeeally miss our family time with him.  Everyone on Facebook seemed to be doing fun Fall activities with their families and here my hubby {and a lot of others who work for the company}had to go into work on a Sunday.  I just love him and really don't like when he's not around....but he had to go into work yesterday, and it seemed as though everyone else had plans...

However, the universe heard me, and my mother in law called up asking what I was up to. Turned out her plans were canceled, and wanted to know if I would like to make apple pies!

Of course I said yes!  We had a bunch of apples from Grandma's trees and so we peeled, sliced, cored....

Some cinnamon & sugar

Homemade pie crusts.

Messy kitchen goodness!

We ended up with a total of 5 pies! I have 2 in our freezer [we baked one last night] and my mama in law took two home.  We are all set for the holidays, in the apple pie department!!

I know that pies are not "clean eats" but as always, everything in moderation.  I also believe in the goodness of homemade foods, and the tradition of baking with family.  No chemicals, no garbage.  Just pure ingredients and lots of love!!  I want to instill within my daughter that you can enjoy all aspects of life, just don't overdo any one particular part!! I had so much fun bonding with my mother in law, talking and getting a little messy in the kitchen.  I look forward to the days when Brooke can bake with us too!

Plus it's very awesome to hear my husband tell me, as we're watching the Red Zone for the 49ers game, eating our slice of warm pie, "You really are my dream girl."  #awwwwww

I have to say that my 'unofficial Fall bucket list' is really getting checked off this year! Also? 

I'm in love with our front porch. 
What Fall fun have you been up to?


  1. I'm so jealous that you have seasons!! We get Fall-ish around Thanksgiving, but we pretty much just have spring and winter with two weeks of Fall and Summer weather. #californiaproblems.

    I've never learned to make a pie from scratch, but yours looks amazing!

    E was so young last Fall that I"m having so much fun celebrating her "first" Fall with her. B took Thursday off work so we can take her apple picking and to the pumpkin patch.

    Have a great Monday!!!!

  2. I LOVE apple pie! I made chicken pot pie this weekend with homemade crust and it was yummy too. Nothing beats homemade food :)

  3. Love this post so much!! And yes, everything in moderation is key. My mom just made an apple pie this weekend for my brother's birthday--it's literally the only apple pie I truly like, but yours looks delicious!!! Homemade is always better :)

  4. I made apple crisp the other night and I'm just going to enjoy every bite because it's not like I get to have it all the time! :o)

  5. Your pie looks so good, I plan to go to the pumpkin patch this week

  6. YUM! I love apple pie. Well, actually I love all desserts and I really love making them! I've never tried making apple pie though!

  7. New follower! Love your blog! Do you work for Advocare? I would love to hear more about it!

  8. Thank you! I have been thinking soup for fall, I forgot all about pies! Which seems impossible since I have been cooking pumpkins like crazy. Duh. I can almost smell them now. PIES!!

  9. aww the way to a man's heart is through his bellay ;)

  10. Haha! Brooke is BEAMING in that picture! So cute!!

    Gosh Jenn...I could not agree with you more about moderation. When I was at my thinnest, I was so proud of myself because while I ate well most of the time, I was able to indulge occasionally. And not feel guilty about it. And stop after a reasonable amount.

    Where did that disciplined Jenna go? Womp womp.

    Also- I am stealing the term "emotionally high maintenance." My poor mother who receives my emotionally charged phone calls will definitely agree that it's perfect! Haha


I'd love to hear from you. Each & every comment is so very much appreciated!! :)