Tuesday, October 15, 2013

I Confess...

...Remember that time just the other day when my husband told me I was the girl of his dream?  Yeah, well #wifeyfail up in herrrr.  Ya heard.  So, I didn't realize one truly needed to pre-order an overpriced gaming system that comes out November 15. So guess who asked for one for Christmas? Guess who's not on a list?  How did I miss that memo, amidst all the poopy diapers I have been changing!? No really, I feel like an ass.  The man never asks for much, so I am a tad upset our communication skills failed.  I'm hoping I can somehow fix this mess {maybe wait in line at midnight November 15 at Game Stop...who's with me? :/ }


...I'm equally parts nervous and excited to be traveling to NJ this weekend. I will be driving (6 hours) alone because my amazing team is getting together! Danielle and her beautiful family are coming all the way from Georgia. 

...Even though 6 hours in a car (alone) is long, they are really making an effort, so I can make mine.  We are going there because my incredible friend Nikki {who just got engaged--yay!} lives there and the rest of our Advo fam! The training will be well worth my time I am sure, but....

...I'm scared to death to leave Brooke Lynn that long! Now, she's already quite independent: walking, talking, brushing her teeth, putting herself to bed...bahaha not quite, she does love her alone time, but she is also used to me. All. The. Time. Well, okay, the occasional date night or mommy time out---but, I'll leave early Friday and come back late Saturday, so....I won't really see her from Thurs to Sunday. Whoa.

...successful people must do the things that unsuccessful people won't {or don't.}  It is out of my comfort zone to drive that long, all by myself and to leave my family behind.  I know they'll be fine, but it's still going to be hard!  We must do things that push ourselves, and that will lead to a higher being. I believe that the more uncomfortable we are, the more growing we do.  The better we become in life.

...I looked like a hot mess on my afternoon walk with Brooke.  She was really cranky, wouldn't sleep, didn't want to play, wouldn't finish a bottle...so we walked. And walked. And walked.  In my neon sneakers.  An animal print top. Hair half up, following out of ponytail.  My awesome Gap boyfriend jeans I scored a fab deal on?  They get waaaaaaaaaaay baggy. #poorme #Iknowright No, but for real. My husband told me the butt was so saggy, they looked like clown pants.  Thanks AdvoCare!!

...Speaking of, it's been about 90 days (come November) and know what that means?  You can {and should} cleanse again!! I prefer to stay on the MNS all the time, because when I don't take these vitamins, I can tell that my body is lacking the proper amounts of nutrients! It's crazy, I know.  I was nervous of being "a pill popper" but then I started taking these vitamins and I realize, if I don't take these supplements, I am actually doing my body a disservice.  It feels better running on FULL instead of E!  It's unfortunate that "pills" get a bad rap because there are a lot of junky ones out there, but these are certainly high quality. Amazing. I fall in love with them a little more each month.

...I had a bit of interest on Instagram, and so far I have at least 5 people committed to doing it with me.  The start day is flexible; I know some Halloween parties are that weekend, so obviously start when you're ready. That's half the battle; you have to want it.  I can only help those who want to be helped.

...I'm pumped to see these next results now that I am already to my "pre-pregnancy" weight, this will be like legit taking it to the next level...I am going to KILL it!!  I have a goal in mind and cannot wait to do this challenge with like-minded people!

...that I do challenge you to 24 with me. No more excuses; let's look back at our family holiday photos and feel proud at how great we looked *and felt!


  1. I can not wait to see you this weekend! You are a champion and are going to do AMAZING things for you and your family!

  2. Good luck on your drive and with the cleanse! :) Can't wait to read about it!

  3. Hmmmm...I might have to hop on board and do another 24 day with you! Also, congrats on the saggy pants!

  4. love this and sounds so fun you girls are all getting together! Looking forward to our skype to "meet" everyone!

  5. Have SO much fun this weekend, and I can't wait to chat with ya!! :)

  6. I seriously cannot get over how adorable Brooke is! That smile! Eeeeep!!!

    I hope your drive went well, Jenn! And that you had an incredible time meeting up with your Advo team!

  7. my cleanse is going good.. life changing

  8. Just found your blog and love your posts. And gah, I feel ya on the saggy butt Gap jeans. I hate hate hate when that happens.

  9. Just found your blog and you are so funny! I love the hashtags. And girl, I hear you on the Gap butt saggy jeans. I hate hate hate when that happens and havent bought jeans from them since.


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