Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Brooke's First Birthday

Hard to believe it was a year ago I experienced my birth story that I wrote about in Three Parts

I've had so many emotions, but I'll save that for another post. 

*Warning, there are TONS of photos.  They're super cute though, I promise!*

The day was beautiful and full of love.

With Joe's Dad...

Joe's grandmother and Aunt gave Brooke her crown.  Now, we typically don't call her "princess" but on special days as today, she was indeed our little princess.

Obligatory family photo.

Wiggle worm.

Gerry & Aunt Milly.


Blake and Brooke!

The twins & my friend Alison.

Cousin Adri

At some point one of the relatives goes, "Your daughter likes boys!!"

Kristin and her boyfriend.

Jamie & Blake

"The Kiss"

Aunt Phyllis and Mama Maria

Chowing down on some food!

Helpers for the presents!

Time for cake!

"Happy Birthday to you!"

She wasn't quite sure what to do with it.

I love her.

One of my favorite photos.

The cake was a huge hit!

We let her try a nibble of chocolate cupcake...and I remembered to take her final sticker photo!

And of course, the birthday hat.

We had a quick little outfit change and started to say goodbye to our guests.

It was a happy first birthday, indeed.


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