Saturday, January 31, 2015

2 Weeks

Oh my goodness, how has it been two full weeks already?!  I cannot believe at this moment in time, two weeks ago, I was rolling on my yoga ball and yelling up to my husband to HURRY UP…we legit have a video that I should share because now it is comical.   But at the time, I was really in pain and ready to scoot to the hospital!  I cannot wait to share our birth story and have so much to say.

My mom has been here all week and that has been very helpful, since Joe's Crohn's acted up and it was nice to have some backup while he was down and out, and then he had to go to work.   I will admit that I think I rushed my recovery because I legit felt well the beginning of the week, so I ran errands and really tried to keep up with everything.  Baby was sleeping fairly well few nights and I think I just kicked into overdrive knowing Joe was not well, I had no choice but to step up and take care of everyone…but come Wednesday I didn't feel great, my bleeding picked back up and I just knew I had to rest more.  I can be such an over achiever at times (blah!) But I am smart enough to listen to my body.

My mom goes home today, so tomorrow we will be on our own.  No big plans for the Super Bowl, but we are hoping to go visit his grandma tomorrow morning, so she can meet her great grandson.

Highlights from the last two weeks:

My milk came in, just like with Brooke in FULL force.  The lactation consultant told me not to pump (like they did last time) but I just couldn't take the pain, so I pumped and I have a freezer stock started.  Phew.

Lots of outfit changes, cuddles, diaper changes…repeat!

Daddy giving him his bottle for the first time {1.23.15}

Sister thought he wanted to hold Daisy Duck.

Great Grandma Owl made some sibling shirts--thank you!!

My sister came over and helped out {1.25.15}

Her and her husband made us dinner. Thanks again!

Mr. Bradley had his second checkup {1.27.15}

Brooke had been adjusting fairly well!! She has not wanted to hold him, but she will give him kisses.  She is really learning to play independently quite nicely, and is becoming so imaginative!  The living room is usually strewn with toys, but she's a happy kid, so that's really what matters.  Daddy has taken her on a few Daddy/Daughter dates and that has been awesome for her as well.

Some nights he sleeps better than others and we are still getting into a rhythm, but he is such an angel baby and we are so blessed he's doing so well!  I have to admit going from 0-1 kid was WAY harder for me than 1-2.  Sure it's a lot more multi-tasking and I feel like I'm juggling things a lot more, but I am super thankful to not be pregnant any more.  Seriously, I cringe when I hear people say how happy they are pregnant, because I was not one of those people.  Pregnancy was hard on my body and seriously, I felt like a million bucks having him on the outside of my body and in my arms.  I am blessed to have had the chance to carry two healthy babies full (past!) term and we believe that our family is complete.

I did manage to sneak out for a few hours yesterday to get my roots handled--blonde for life!  I went to Target after for some diapers and wipes, and was ready to come home.  I have had some postpartum cries, nothing crazy but the hormones are definitely still regulating.  Annoying and weird, but it is what it is.

My goals for this week:

1.)  GET MORE SLEEP--especially when the babes nap during the day.  I know I need more and I get crazy if I don't get enough.  

2.) I also hope to get into a little more of a routine and maybe venture out to the library or something to get Brooke outside.  It's so cold out, but we need to get out at least once next week.  

3.)  Take some newborn photos with our nice camera!!

4.) I also want to blog more,  I just need to be able to get enough sleep to formulate coherent thoughts!!  I made myself sit down and just write something today, so there you have it.  Two kids, two and under, the first two weeks. I survived, with help of friends, family, and adrenaline! (and caffeine)   


  1. Congratulations!!!!! So happy for you

  2. Congrats on your precious baby boy!


  3. yay congrats again ............Again so Happy for you

  4. Jenn he is so beautiful. I LOVE all the photos!!! I cannot stop looking at him, so cute!!


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