Friday, January 16, 2015

41 Week Checkup: Induction Set

Alrighty then… Friday evening and we are almost 41 weeks! I feel like writing it all down this time, maybe so I remember all these crazy details…I don't know, but here we go.  I had my appointment today and the Dr was shocked to see me; I told her I was surprised to be here still!


I haven't gained any weight in like 2-3 weeks!

2cm Dilated
80% effaced

Induction is scheduled.

I will go in Monday 1/19 and have him by Tuesday 1/20.  That is, if he doesn't come on his own!

I am still fighting off this cold, but oh my gosh, am I having some pretty gnarly braxton hicks!! Maybe they're a bit more like pre-labor contractions, but there is no rhyme or reason.  They're reminding me of the ones I had with Brooke Tues-Thurs before I went in for morphine and my water broke!  So, this could make for an interesting night.  They were so intense I'd say they woke me up 4-5 times last night every few hours.  Today they've come a few times I put the contraction timer on my phone, but nothing specific. Some every 20 mins and then nothing for an hour or two.  If they continue all day tomorrow while Joe is at work and I'm with Brooke by myself that could be awesome too… yikes!  On one hand having a toddler makes me try to not focus on them because she needs me.  She needs to eat, diapers changed, nose wiped, etc. etc.  Every time I sit, I get right back up to take care of something, so on one hand that is good because I know last time when I was pregnant with her, it just consumed me! Now I just breathe through them, they're pretty intense! It's so weird how every person goes through such different labors.  My kids just like to take their time and sort of torture me haha.

I've been living on soup (finally made my homemade chicken stock/soup) and bagels.  Kind of just all I want right now…lots of tea and liquids.

I made my final solo venture out (after my appointment that is) to go grab Joe's meds.  I decided to stock up on my postpartum essentials, ya know those super sexy things like hemroid/numbing spray, witch hazel Tucks pads, prep H wipes, huge maxi pads, epsom salt to bathe in, some new mascara, a Glamour magazine and eye shadow because I and to balance out the stool softeners.  #keepinitreal  I am being very optimistic that I will indeed need all of these items like last time and will not have a C section.  I am really trying to stay calm about all of it.

So I have, at the very most, all of Saturday, Sunday and Monday.  I can do this! Joe is taking off Monday to help get us ready, take care of Brooke while I go to the Non-stress test and check on baby once again.  We will then drop her off and head to the hospital to bring baby boy into the world!!

Kinda weird to have a plan in place, but I am so relieved to know this is the deal.  If I deliver Tuesday my favorite Dr will be on call too.  My practice usually has me see all the doctors all throughout the pregnancy, but this time I mostly saw one, until these last few weeks…but Dr Thomas is from Jamaica and I really get along well with him.  Although last time I had Dr Piquain from France and she was pretty cool too.  I had never met her, as she works at another office, but she was great. Anyway, I am very confident with knowing he'll be there.

This also means by Wednesday I can have sushi!!!!!! Wahoo! I'm drooling thinking about it haha.

My ring sling came today so I've been braiding it, playing with Brooke in it and really trying to break it in.  I put her doll in it and I really think I'm going to love it!  It will be perfect to tuck him in and carry him/nurse him around in.

It's kind of fun to see my husband's reactions to all of this.  It is crazy because we've been talking about this baby since May and now we KNOW he will be home by next weekend.  I can't wait to see him hold his son!!    All these emotions are a lot and I have a reel of memories constantly playing in my head.  From my sister's birthday where I kept saying, "It's the perfect storm!" to St. Martin, the first few nauseated months, and the last uncomfortable weeks…I walked by pregnancy tests at CVS today and I was like wow, never again!! So surreal and yet I am ready.

As for all of our colds, Brooke seems to be doing a lot better today!! She still has a runny nose and a cough, but she was running around and dancing and acting a lot better today.  Joe has the same dry cough that kept me up last time I was trying to sleep before having Brooke, and I felt the worst today.  So I am hoping tomorrow I am on the mend.  Seriously, don't have January babies in New York if you can help it haha! So many germs.  Oy.

I am going to rest and try to sleep as much as I can before "it happens" whenever that may be!  Again, keep up with me on instagram and twitter!  We appreciate any positive vibes and prayers. Thanks friends!!

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