Friday, March 20, 2015

Fitness Friday

I like to be pretty transparent and very honest about things on le blog. I love working out, but I only love certain types of workouts.  Unless it's Zumba, I want to spend the least amount of time as possible.  I am a busy mama with two little kids.  We have lots to do and right now, leaving the house just isn't an option.  Heck, I can't even get in some good walks because it won't get past 40 degrees most days!

So, I have been keeping my eyes peeled for what I may want to start with, to jump back into workouts. I hated working out when pregnant because my SPD pain was so bad, it was seriously tough to walk and make it through the day, let alone try to workout.  Now that my body is pretty much back into its original positioning, I am ready to sweat.  Lucky for me, a long time blogging buddy shared what she did workout wise post baby, and it sounded perfect for me!  Checkout Alison's blog for more details. She is a fantastic Beachbody Coach and has helped me find the best workout for me.

Enter---Focus T25


I was scared. It had been awhile since I had really moved, so I wasn't sure what to expect.  I tried to keep up with the regular people at first, but then succumbed to just doing what the modified chick was doing.  I knew that I didn't want to overdo it and not be able to move, and I know that this program is more of a "marathon" mindset rather than just a quick sprint.  I'm so happy I decided to do that.

I admit I have to wear two bras (as I was nursing and even though I am not breastfeeding any longer, I still have milk and so that is no fun…but it's not an excuse, I just don't jump as high/hard yet…ow!) I also have that post baby bladder, so again, I am not hopping all over the place, quite yet.  I am still sweating my tail off though!

Brooke was fascinated to jump around and move with me…for a few minutes, then she'd run off.  You can see the pink glow to my face/neck after I'm done.  25 minutes may not seem like a lot, but it was just enough for me!  Don't mind my laundry that still needed to be put away…I made no excuses to get that workout in!!


I decided to pull out the wireless beats and jam some hiphop so that little ears couldn't hear. MUCH better of a workout and THIS was my favorite, so far.

Still pushed through it, still doing modified…Brooke loves the carpet pulled back.

Thursday-- my least favorite so far.  Probably because it's my weakest body part: abs.  My stomach has always been the hardest to tone and obviously having a baby 8 weeks ago, my core isn't exactly strong.  I made it through and even tried out my new Advo product: O2 Gold.  I seriously felt like I could breathe so much deeper! I have never tried it before.


Lower Focus---WHOA NELLY.  I enjoyed it because I sweat, and didn't jump around a whole lot.  It was really just working on your (duh) lower half and oh, how I felt the burn!

I also got my Nighttime Recovery, so that makes me happy and I know if I push myself a little harder, now I won't be as sore…I can still wash my hair without my arms wanting to fall off!

So Monday I will start my AdvoCare 10 day cleanse and follow it up with my good old friends, Thermo, MNS etc…. I enjoy documenting my journey and and really am happy with this workout I chose! I really wanted something different and to push me out of my comfort zone.  Every time I tell myself, ehhh maybe I won't workout today, I tell myself to shut up!!  I have a calendar to follow and when I take my products, it really makes me want to get my workout in!

I am about 15 pounds away from a 'goal' weight…I say that loosely but I know where my body needs to be to feel great and fit back into my skinnies.  So, here we go! One week down, 9 more to go!

I am sleep deprived and there is always a reason or excuse not to workout, but there are also a million reasons why as well.  Combining my amazing Advo products with this insanely perfect workout, I cannot wait to see what I look and feel like in a few weeks.  I am proud of myself.  I want to be in the best shape possible, really to keep up with my kids, because I have a feeling junior is gonna be even more energetic that Brookie, but also to show them what a healthy lifestyle entails.  

Are you pushing yourself to eat better, workout harder and be healthy? Join me!!


I'd love to hear from you. Each & every comment is so very much appreciated!! :)