Thursday, March 19, 2015

I Couldn't Live Without

For Lauren & Lauren

I've seen this linkup floating around and I thought it was lighthearted and fun, so here I am, participating!!  Obviously I couldn't live without my family and friends, but for fun, this week I couldn't live without my laptop.  Seriously, one of my favorite possessions…I wish I knew how to operate it some of its features a bit better--like editing a video! Oy, to have more spare time!

It's definitely my favorite "go-to" thing to do.  I'm not huge on TV watching, although I do have a few shows I enjoy.  I just love connecting my thoughts to words on a screen; it's rather therapeutic and there is no better way than doing so on this fancy MacBook.  The sleek black keys and smooth silver surface are just perfect for pouring out my ideas.

More than anything, my husband was sick of me getting viruses on my other laptop all of the time, and with this guy, nothing comes across--knock on wood!--  Joe also insisted that I get this uber snazzy laptop case [which I don't love, but I do think it's useful with two kids and a dog] I told him it looks like an old guy case though, haha.

I really notice how much I can't stand living without this, when Joe has his meetings for his tech startup and he takes it with him.  I'm kind of like a lost puppy, because the kids are finally in bed and I have some "me time" and no computer!  It's not the end of the world, but it's certainly the first thing I would enjoy doing, is catching up on my blog, with any spare time that I have.  I definitely fantasize about having free time to go to a beach house, overlooking a beautiful body of water…and writing.  I don't know what I would write about exactly, but some day when I have more time, I could definitely see myself doing that.  Man, a beach sounds wonderful right now!

There is just something really special about being able to record my thoughts and what my little family is up to…and then going back and reading it!! I can't tell you how many times I have gone back and re-read my blogs when Brooke was a baby--very helpful in comparing how mister B is doing. 

What is something that you couldn't live without!?


I'd love to hear from you. Each & every comment is so very much appreciated!! :)