Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Green Fun [St. Paddy's Day]

So, I didn't do too much with the whole St. Patrick's Day theme.  I put some Irish music on Pandora and pulled out a few tricks in my back pocked.  I tried a few Pinterest projects yesterday and they didn't really turn out as well as they looked…but she had fun!  Next year we will get into doing fun little tricks with the Leprechaun.

One had cut an apple in half, and then you use that to make a 3 leaf clover.  The other was to tape 3 wine corks together and use that to make a clover.

She just had fun getting messy…

And I had to quickly stop taking photos because she realized it was waaaay more fun to use her hands!

Joe HATES corned beef and cabbage, so I made us ribs [and mac and cheese]

Brooke made a cake.

Stirred in the green!

Poor thing needs her hair cut desperately! But she enjoyed a little frosting.

It wasn't a huge super creative baking project, but she had fun and it was tasty…although she still said it was blue after all that green talk, all day long. Oops.

After dinner we 'split up into teams' as Joe calls it.  He took Brookie to the mall so she could run around and ride the carousel.  I took baby boy to the grocery store, but he woke up while I was trying to look at makeup.  His cute smiles made it worth it.  He was spent by the end of the night.

And so was Daddy.  I asked him to hold the baby while I pumped quickly.  I came back to this.  I think it's funny how I have so many pictures of him sleeping with the babes this little and yet none of me sleeping, EVER!  I'll sleep eventually.

Last night was actually quite good, baby boy only woke up once around 2am and then not again until 7!  Let's hope this continues.  

How was your St. Patrick's Day?  Let me know of any fun activities you do with your kids!


  1. "she said it was blue after all the green talk" bahahahahahaha Love her!

  2. aww I love the green cake! Willow likes to do crafts her own way too lol. And uhmmmm I agree, it's no fair that there are hardly any sleepy snuggly pictures of my babes and I. What is up with that?!


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