Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Spring Sickies

Wowie….what a long week!! Nothing worse than sick babes.  Even though Brooke can talk (a lot) she still can't tell me exactly what is wrong and how she feels, but last week I just knew she was starting to get what Joe had.  She started with a little tickle in her throat--it sounded like a chipmunk noise.  By Wednesday she was sleeping more and woke up with a fever, cough, and no appetite.

Luckily even though she would not eat much, she would drink. We stocked up on juices, as I don't usually give her juice, but I just wanted the poor thing to get something in her.

She even drank some of my fresh green juice--apple, kale, lemon, ginger, parsley--SUPER FOODS.

I quickly threw together a quick chicken soup; she ate a little, but I also had Joe eat it and myself.

She is always go-go-go and so I knew she wasn't well when all she could do is sit on the couch.

Saturday she felt a little better, but I was still trying to keep her doing "quiet activities" as she would start running around and then crash because she was exhausted.

Case in point, at my sister's little birthday party.  Brooke loves he cousin, and they played a little bit, but she was just a tired little babe.

Uncle Eric and the baby.

My dad and his grandson.

It was nice to gather for a little bit and we had a yummy lunch and cupcakes.  My kids were both not themselves, so hopefully we can get together again when everyone is well.

I wanted to get some pictures of the two of us because I don't have many lately, but we will just have to do some again.  She was not feeling it!

I have been stuck inside trying to get her healthy for most of the week/weekend. I even went to bed early myself on Saturday (like 7:30, I was resting watching PLL) just to try and keep myself from getting these nasty germs.  You name it, I've been doing it to stay healthy~
**KNOCK ON WOOD** I am still feeling well!  A little tired, as he woke up a few times last night, but nothin a little Spark and MNS E can't help. 

As for today, she still has a little cough but she is totally on the mend.  Bradley is doing well too and our big plans are to go to Target and pay my bill, buy some NINE month pjs for Mr. Bubs because he is too long for 6 month.   I also have to stop at the dry cleaners and grocery shop…some of that may not happen until Joe gets home, but we will see!  I feel like all I've done is lysol and clean, and do so much laundry to try and keep the germs at bay.  Hopefully this warmer weather will mean it's the last of the germy season!  I haven't even seen my poor mother in law since Easter because she got so sick…ugh!  Here's to better health for all!

Friday, April 24, 2015

3 Months {Bradley Joseph}


You're (over) 3 months…and I am just a little in shock about this.  You are the sweetest little boy I have ever laid eyes on, and I can tell you're going to have a heart of gold.

Our bed {you will fall asleep instantly, then I move you to your crib}
Daddy--just hearing his voice you start turning your head all over
Being held up high and talked to in goofy voices
Jungle floor activity mat.  You'll talk to your little friends for a LONG time!
Bouncer seat--in the kitchen
Dancing.  Your Daddy, Brooke and I had a 70's dance party Saturday night and it was a lot of fun.

Being in the car without your binky. I can't always reach it and it's usually when we are on the expressway and I can't just pull over.  I hate hearing you cry! :(
The swing (you love it sometimes and HATE it others, so weird!)
Tummy time.  You'll be cool like 5-10 minutes but not much.

I call you Mr. Bubs.  {I've heard Daddy call you it too, but lately he calls you:}
Bradley Bean (he kind of sings it and you smiiiiiiile
Brudder.  Every morning you will hear Brooke say, "Good mooooooorning brudder!"  Either she will come tell you if you weren't awake, or she'll yell it in her room if you make noise first.


Full blown belly laughs.
Starting to stick out tongue and talking so much more.
Wanting to sit up more, you're about half way to being on your own I would say.

You are just so in love with your sister; if I could only get her to see how much you stare and watch her.  You are such a love bug; I can't help but squeeze, hold and love on you every moment that I get.  I know for a fact how fast this time will fly, so I definitely find myself just relaxing with you and sister--being in the moment.  You love to listen to us read books, sing songs and just be goofballs.  You also watch the TV! I don't know if it's the colors or what, but you'll watch it if Brookie is watching one of her shows.


Fall asleep swaddled in the swing (not moving) or our bed between 9:30/10pm.  If I'm lucky, you'll sleep through, or most likely get up around 3:30/4:30.  Lately it's been a lot more, but I think it was the lack of meds…so 12:30, 2:30, 4:30 6:30

You woke up 6:30 on Sunday morning wide awake.  Chirping like a bird.  I'm talking, you had no desire to go back to sleep.  So, I brought you downstairs and you talked in your swing, so I could sleep an extra hour.

You've been all over the place, which is fine.  You slept through two nights and Daddy and I were like, OH MY!! I almost got a little sad because you're the baby and I wasn't ready to not hold you and feed you in the middle of the night.  So, you heard me say that and decided to keep waking up!!  I think you slept through two more times, but that is about it.  I try to give you a dream feed, but sometimes that wouldn't be until 12/1 and I am not up that late, so you'll just wake me if you're hungry.  You love your food and when you are old enough, I am SURE you will be like your sister in that regard.  Ok, I hope.  She was/is such a good little eater, but I attribute that to your Daddy and I.  We just love good food, so that is pretty much all you'll know.  You'll hate college food one day, trust me!

We are getting ready for when you can sit in the doorway swing and the exersaucer.  I put you in it for a second and you were SO excited for all the friends/toys on it, but you're still too tiny and I am in NO hurry.  I wanted to see how much little-ness I had left!

I don't wish time away, I LOVE YOU LITTLE--but I hope that once you can sit up on your own and eat solids, it will be thicker and help your little belly digest, and not come back up!!  We are trying you on a new medicine and still haven't decided if we are going to have you go through the upper GI next week…we believe you are healthy and well, but peace of mind may be worth it.

I love you so much baby boy; just like I do with Brooke, I have visions of what kind of boy and man you will be.  I see such a little brute in you; a big strong guy who will have such a loving heart.  I should be sleeping too right now, but I can't help but love the sound of your little breath over your pacifier.  All swaddled, snuggled and cozied up.  If I could keep you and Brooke this age, I would.  So sweet. So innocent.  You're at the perfect age where you make me crazy changing 20 diapers a day, but my heart so full, it feel as though it may burst.  I just don't think I could kiss either of you enough; but I sure try every day.

We love you so much Bradley Joseph!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

24 Day Challenge {results and a contest!}

Last week I wrapped up my first 24 Day Challenge since having baby #2.  It was of course a success, and although I was not 100% "on point" with my eating or workouts, I still made progress and that is what matters most!  

It really brings me back to the root of AdvoCare; it's never a fad diet, it's a lifestyle change.  Sure, in 24 days you can lose some weight, but more than anything, it's about making healthier choices, eating better food, finding more energy (to want to workout!) and getting better sleep.  Now, having a newborn does make the quality of sleep kind of difficult, but I assure you that the Spark and MNS E certainly help with that!!

Ok ok, so if you even read that part above, thank you, but what you are most likely are here to see are my stats.  Part of my readers may want to just see if my baby belly has shrunk, or if the scale has been tipped.

My before/after photo--not as clear as I would like, as I deleted my original, but I think it shows what's up!

(pic on the right is about 3 months post partum)

My measurements:


bust 39     
waist 40.5
hips 41
left thigh 23
right thigh 23
right calf 14.5
left calf 14.5
left bicep 12
right bicep 12
neck 12.5

After 10 day cleanse:

bust 37.5
waist 38
hips 38
left thigh 22
right thigh 22
left calf 14
right calf 14
left bicep 11
right bicep 11
neck 12.5

After full 24 days:

bust 36
waist 37
hips 37
left thigh 22
right thigh 22
left calf 14
right calf 14
left bicep 11
right bicep 11
neck 12

Totally inches lost: 16 inches

And I haven't grabbed my phone in the am (when I weigh) but 

Starting weight: 155.2  
Ending weight: 152.3

My pre-pregnancy weight was 137…and that took me from August 2013-May 2014 to achieve. Not that I am stuck on a number, but I just know how GOOD I felt in my skin, my clothes and just overall health wise.  So, I know I have some work to do, but I am also trying to be kind to myself.  It's not easy; you are your own worst critic, and though I VOW to never body shame myself in front of my daughter, I'd be lying if I said I love every inch on my body. There are many bumps, dimples and just extra skin…and I don't find stretch marks appealing, BUT I know that my body was able to grow TWO healthy babies and that is what matters most.  It may not be perfect, but it is mine and I will treat my body as best as I can.  Sometimes I wish a mirror weren't invented, as it can be just too much sometimes.  But, I will stay positive and become stronger and just keep pushing every day!

SO, my lbs aren't shedding as fast as I would love them to, but THAT'S OK.  I know what I have to do, and I am not where I want to be, so I will continue.  My plan of attack?

1.) Continue eating clean 80-90% of the time.  I know that I do enjoy my wine from time to time, but am trying to replace it with Oasis, unless we are out socially.  I also love my Sushi with rice, and after being prego again, ya really miss certain things, so I don't deny.  I do pull out the Carb ease though!

2.) Continue workouts.  I have found something out about myself {not really that shocking if you know me} I don't like to be told what to do. Ha.  No really, I tried to stick with the t-25 program and although I love the workouts, I don't like "having to do that workout"---lame, I know.  But I do love to move, so either I do the elliptical, PIYO or T-25, or another random Jillian Michaels, a Yoga, or even walk the kids in their stroller.  My motto is JUST MOVE.  Some people are total workout freaks, that's not me.  I love to feel good and look good, but I don't love to workout my whole day.

3.)  Supplements:

Catty 3x a day
Thermoplus once in the am
MNS currently on 3, it's what I had on hand. I prefer E
Spark 2x a day
Arginine extreme before a workout
Fiber drink as needed
Carb ease as needed
Rehydrate as needed
Omegaplex after meals 
Oasis as needed
Nighttime Recovery
Slim --it's nice to sub in the afternoon 
Fibotrim as needed (before a fatty meal)
Coffeecino as needed (instead of a fat induced fancy latte)
Meal replacement Shakes & Advo Bars - I sub at least one of these bad boys a day for one of my 5-6 small meals
Muscle Gain Protein after workout

I clearly love my Advo.  I know to some people it may seem like a lot of products, which I guess it is, but I will tell you **knock on wood** I have been around a lot of sick people (including my husband) and I am feeling healthy still!! I have to say it's because of what I am putting into my body.

My goal?  I will feel good in my bikini this summer.  I may or may not have ordered this little VS number for inspiration...

Love this shirt.

As always, quotes keep me going…

I listened to 100 Ways to motivate yourself and this quote struck me..

So if you're interested in a little fun and prizes, join us!! My team and I are hosting a small little contest to promote good health and are super excited to see everyone's results. 

I cannot wait to be feeling my best in a bathing suit this Summer.  

** As always, I am an AdvoCare Distributor and these are my personal results.  I am not a Dr. or a nutritionist, so be sure to check with your health care providers before jumping into any new regime.  These are just my thoughts and opinions that I write about here, and more than anything it's a place to journal my experiences and to look back one day, and see how far I've come with my health.  

Monday, April 20, 2015

#brookeandbrad aka My Life

Daddy worked late Thursday, so it was some late night Play-Doh to the rescue.  We are kind of like lost puppies when he works late unexpectedly. But, we manage. ;)

And a walk outside.  It was little brisk, but it was above 50, so we walked!  I told myself if it was not raining and above 50, it was walk-worthy.

She loves the stream.

And reconnected with an old friend…

Mr. Bubs is a hungry little dude!

Oh, and he turned 3 months on Friday!!

Our deck needs to be power washed and we still need to bring up all of our furniture, but that doesn't stop the bubble queen!! She just adores the outside and mostly, bubbles.

Mr. Smiley

Saturday brought us to the park with some friends.  She is stylin' right?!

It was hard to keep him out of the sun, as most of the trees do not have leaves (shade) yet, so he sat in his seat.

This girl always finds a horse!

Don't mind my cheesy grin, but we walked a little mini hike…

Thanks again for carrying Brooke, Alison!

As I made dinner Saturday, I couldn't help but smile.  3 years ago when we had this deck built, THIS is what I envisioned.  Toys.  Kids.  Right outside my nose, so I could still see what was going on, but they could be outside.  #nailedit

Monday we met up with another mommy and her daughter at an indoor spot called "The Sandbox" and ironically, there is no sand. Fun, nonetheless.

Once baby boy starts being able to sit up and crawl, I can see them really enjoying this place even more! Brooke loved the blow up slide and bounce house.

I keep trying to stop time, but this one keeps getting bigger, smarter, and just so cute!

Lovin the slide!

And she had a special package to open when she got home.  Thank you Grandma Owl!