Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Summer Lovin'

Well, the weather has certainly been whacky around here and we just have been going with the flow! If it's nice out, you will find us either out back or out front for sure!!  I truly believe being outdoors is so good for the soul.  I know that kids but adults too, just need to be outside, in the sun (with hats/sunscreen) in the shade, just sitting by an open sliding glass door has me feeling all zen.  That and the kids are napping so I actually have a few quiet moments to myself.  I have been somewhat selfish during nap times, and not always doing housework.  Which, of course, has resulted in the laundry piling up because I just can't get ahead of all the towels, blankets, bibs, burp cloths etc, a certain cutie 5 month old messes up on a daily basis.  Whatevs.  I just do what I can and know it will all be okay.  Joe's been working a ton still, and we've probably seen him a total of 5 hours.  I know it will be worth it when we are all relaxing by Lake George soon, but man it's tough!! I think that's why I'm not being so hard on myself with all of the chores…doing the parent thing solo 24/7 is super tough.  I give so much credit to those whose spouses are in the military and especially those single mothers.  I am by no means complaining because I know we have a great life, but 2 kids 2 and under ---and me on cleansing, which means no glass of wine, no cheese, no chocolate, you know all those little devices we 'treat' ourselves with after a hard days' work.  I am proud that I have only cheated once, but still kinda mad that I cheated haha.  Either way, almost done and almost time for vacation!!

I was looking through my old blogs to see if I wrote down where we ate lunch in Saratoga Springs, and oh my word, I got all teary eyed. If you look here at this post--HERE-- you will see how I literally spelled out my future.  Here we are, in a few days returning right back to where we took baby Brooke on her fist vacation.  Now I've got her all excited for "Lake George" and while I have no idea how much she truly understands, we've talked about a hotel, long car rides, lots of swimming and mountains/lake.  We have a countdown that she looks forward to ripping off the rings each day, so I'm having fun with it.  Until then…we've been busy!

I was worried I wouldn't get any pretty flowers this summer for my back deck pots, but my mother in law saved the day! She met us on her lunch break, bless her, and pushed the kids around and helped me get shade plants.   I got Brookie a pair of Minnie "glubs" so she could help me.  She had more fun than she looks!

Hoping this one makes it, as it looks a little rough

Black eyed susans and some pretty white something or others haha

I love the spiky curly plant!

What is that face?!

This one looks so pretty up front next to the grey house.  I just love flowers!

Little miss hasn't been feeling that great so we've been trying to get her feeling better. Nothing too serious, but still makes a momma worry. She was such a big girl at the Dr's, she got a sticker and a freeze pop--which she didn't even want.  Note crazy man bubs! He has been a fireball, screeching up a storm lately!

I snapped a shot of this song on the radio and sent it to my friend the other day, along with back then the only real "problems" we had were, which going out outfit to wear, and would we get into the club for over? what what?

My sister helped me take the kids to the Museum of Play and Brooke was running around enjoying herself.

Mailing a letter.

Shopping at "Wegmans"

Cinderella's Carriage

The troll *she loves his bridge

Daddy's Girl…loves the race cars!

He enjoyed it! He sat in his seat most of the time, but when we took him out he was moving all around and loved looking/touching everything.

Tried to get a train selfie haha

We ended with a carousel ride.  It was the first time I had taken her on one, since usually it's Joe's thing with her.

Joe got a little more sand for her sandbox crab, so we've been playing in that.

He won't sit still, so blur for sure, but it's time for the walker! He already scoots back a little bit.  He loved being in it and couldn't stop laughing and smiling.

In other news:

We interviewed a babysitter and she is going to watch the kids for the first time this week. I'm nervous, but I need some help because mama will go crazy without being able to get out for a few hours.  I need to get my hair done and more than anything, it's time.  We can't always get family to watch the kids, which is always our first choice, but just a little help here and there for me while Joe's busy working will make a world of difference I believe.  

We are looking forward to the 4th of July; I am hoping for some relaxing in the sun and a glass of wine or two, along with good food, company and fireworks!  

1 comment:

  1. Love all your flowers! I am so not a green thumb😳 everything dies..but I keep tryin since it looks so pretty! Maybe I should just hire a gardener? Lol and a babysitter?! Oh how'd it go? This is something I've been meaning to do also..


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