Monday, February 29, 2016

Weekend Snippets

Of course I had to mention the Oscars---I didn't stay up to watch them, but I was really excited to see Leo won! I think it's so funny to see other women my age admit their teenage crush on Leo, and how it's so great he finally won an award!

Yesterday got into the 60's! Kids enjoyed playing on the back deck while I cleaned a bit.  I took them to BJ's in the morning as we needed diapers etc. and

Joe was at the land all weekend, unless he was working.  He was clearing out the brush, trees etc. and making great strides so we can build! It's so good for him to get out there and he loved doing it.  I'm not going to lie, it makes it really hard not seeing him and being alone with the kids all weekend.  I know that it won't always be this lonely and hard, but it is a little difficult at times. We miss him!  But we know good things take sacrifices and we do what we need to do to make our dreams come true.  I want to remember these feelings so when I am in our new home and I feel like maybe I don't deserve such a beautiful thing, I will recall how hard we worked as a team to get there.

Country Livin!

So peaceful...

I couldn't believe that we were standing where one day our big new home will be!!

I'm able to remind myself that when I believe in my dreams, work hard and make sacrifices, good stuff happens!!   My Keep of the Day. 

And because I'm a dork, this song is stuck on my head whenever I think about our home being built!!

Saturday Brooke had dance class; these girls are so cute!

Kids and I had a pizza party after dance.  He can't have the cheese because of his dairy issues, but I just take that off and slice up the pizza.  He ate like 3 slices, minus the crust!

She loves her pepperoni.

I finally uploaded the day we got dumped on by some snow! I think it was February 16th. Rumor has it there are 2 storms left this winter.  One is coming Wednesday, but it only looks like 6 inches, so nothing crazy like this day was.

Happy Monday!  Stay beautiful friends xox


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