Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Target Haul {mini vlog}

Happy March!!
 I am just posting really quickly to share some goodies I found at Target last week.  I love seeing what other mommas find, especially if it's something I need or am looking for!  For me, y favorite finds are in this photo, and I share a little video below as well.  

Socks--they are so soft and super comfy; perfect for workouts.
Daily Devotional-- I am expanding my journey in faith and I felt that this would help. I love it so far!
Sticky notes- To leave myself positive reminders, quotes & mark pages of books.
Hand sanitizer- because...germs!
Easter decor- I love this little pink and gold piece for the mantel!
Sports bra--it's super comfy and I LOVE the back! I was looking at some LuLulemon pieces but they're like $90.  Try $13 here--yay!

What else do you find at Target? I am always looking for new cleaning supplies etc!!

Stay beautiful friends! xox

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